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Betting Rules and Regulations

Some Events, and Markets have different rules and these are listed below in the Specific Event/Market Betting Rules for each specific Event or Market/bet type in this Website. The following are the general rules of betting applicable to all Events and Markets/bet types, full compliance is mandatory. Where applicable, provisions and definitions set out in the Terms and Conditions published in the Website shall apply to these Betting Rules and Regulations.

  1. General Betting Rules and Regulations

1.1. General

1.1.1. All Betting Information supplied by the Company is done so in good faith. However the Company cannot accept liability for any errors or omissions in respect to dates, times, venues, competitors, odds, results, statistics, jersey(displayed at Live Streaming) or other Betting Information. The Company reserves the right to correct any obvious errors and shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that Markets are administered with integrity and transparency. Company reserves the right to make the final decision.

1.1.2. If an Event begins before the scheduled time then only bets placed before the start of the Event (excluding specified live betting) will be considered valid. If a Market is not closed or suspended at the correct time then the Company reserves the right to void all bets placed after the actual start time (excluding specified live betting).

1.1.3. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and the Non-English names used for the events or teams on the Website, it is the English version that shall prevail.

1.1.4. The Company reserves the right to amend these Rules at any time. Any such revision will be binding and effective immediately upon posting in the Website.

1.1.5. At all times, it is the customer's responsibility to be aware about the match score and all relevant match information and it is advised that the customer verify match status before placing a bet.

1.1.6. The customer acknowledges that the current score, time elapsed and other data provided on this site, while coming from a "live" feed provided by a third party is subject to a time delay and/or may be inaccurate, and that any bet placed based on this data is entirely at the customer’s own risk. The Company provides this data as-is with no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of such data and accepts no responsibility for any loss (direct or indirect) suffered by the customer as a result of his reliance on it.

1.1.7. We know or have reasonable cause to suspect that:-    you have cheated, or have attempted to cheat at gambling or engaged in activity which contradicts the fundamental premise or underlying odds or randomness of any game or service on our Site;    you have or have attempted to collude, or you and other people have colluded or attempted to collude in, influencing or attempting to influence the outcome of a game or sporting event (whether or not any attempt was successful);    you or people associated with you have access to insider information on a specific game, sporting or other event or outcome (whether or not that information results in a winning outcome);    you have engaged, or attempted to engage in fraud, criminal or other illegal practice and/or there is doubt as to your source of funds;    you (and/or people associated with you) have engaged in, or attempted to engage in low risk “arbitrage” betting on our Site. This will include, for example,    betting on two outcomes (for example win and lose) on one or more games or events;    betting on “red” and “black” or odds and evens on roulette; 

whether with ourselves or via multiple accounts (and whether with ourselves directly, or with ourselves and other operators) where in practice your bets (whether winning or losing bets as the case may be) have not been subject to all usual rules of chance and/or really or substantively “at risk”.    you have invalidly requested a chargeback or have denied any transactions on your account;    you have more than one account at any one time;


1.2. Abandonments and Postponements

1.2.1. If an Event does not begin on the scheduled start date and is not completed within the originally scheduled completion date prescribed in the specific sports rules, then all bets will be void, except for those on Markets that have been unconditionally determined.

1.2.2. If an Event starts but is later abandoned, and is not completed within the originally scheduled completion date prescribed in the specific sports rules, then all bets will be void, except for those on Markets that have been unconditionally determined.

1.2.3. If an Event is not completed within the originally scheduled completion time prescribed in the specific sports rules thus an official result is declared or a result is declared by the particular Event’s relevant governing body, the Company reserves the right to consider the match officially valid. The Company’s decision is final and binding in this regard.

1.3. Change of Venue

1.3.1. Unless otherwise stated, if a match is scheduled to be played on neutral ground but is played on non-neutral ground or vice versa, all bets will still be considered valid. In the event of a change of venue where home team plays away or vice versa, all bets on the match will be considered void. Bets will also be considered void if the home and away team names are wrongly stated in reverse.

1.3.2. For all non team Events, if the scheduled venue is changed after the Market has been opened, then all bets will still be considered valid.

1.4. Periods of Time

1.4.1. The posted duration of an Event is for reference purposes only. Bets will be valid despite the change in scheduled duration.

1.4.2. Any incident during injury or stoppage time that is played, is deemed to have occurred at the end of regular time, e.g. a goal scored in first half injury time of a soccer match is deemed to have been scored on 45 minutes.

1.5. Results

1.5.1. Where relevant, podium positions will count as the official result, regardless of any subsequent disqualification or amendment to the results. If there is no podium ceremony, results will be determined in accordance with the official result of the relevant governing body at the time of the Market settlement, regardless of any subsequent disqualification or amendment to the results. If no official result is available then the result will be determined with reference to the available evidence known at the time of Market settlement.

1.5.2. Markets are generally settled shortly after the conclusion of an Event. Purely as a customer service, some Markets may be settled before the official result is declared. The Company reserves the right to reverse settlement in the Event of a Market being settled in error.

1.5.3. In the Event of uncertainty over any result then the Company reserves the right to suspend settlement of any Market.

1.5.4. The Company will not recognize any amendments or changes to results made 72 hours after the Event start time, for bets that have already been settled.

1.5.5. Where there is a conflict between the official results and the results posted on the results section of the Company’s Website, the conflict shall be resolved by reference to the Company's video recording of the particular Event to determine the correct result. However, if no such video recording is available, then the correct result shall be determined in accordance with the result of the particular Event’s relevant governing body as published in its official website. If the official website is unable to provide the result or official website's posted result is manifestly wrong, then the Company reserves the right to make decisions/ amendments to determine the final result. The Company’s decision is final and binding in this regard.

1.6. Auto Timer Acceptance

1.6.1. For certain events as may be determined by the Company, a customer may place a bet using Timer Acceptance feature by selecting the “Timer Accept” button on the menu. Each bet placed using timer acceptance will have its own countdown timer, the duration of which will be at the sole and exclusive determination of the Company. At the end of the timer, without any of the disruptions mentioned in Section 1.6.2 below happening, the bet will be accepted.

1.6.2. If any of the disruptions mentioned in this Section happen before the countdown timer ends, all bets placed using Timer Acceptance are immediately void: If there appears to be a possible red card or a red card is actually given; If there is a possible penalty or a penalty is given; If there appears to be a possible goal or a goal is scored by any team; Fortuitous events including, but not limited to, failure in any equipment or telecommunication that prevents the correct placing, accepting, recording or notification of bets, delays or interruptions in operation or transmission, communication lines failure.

1.6.3. In using the Timer Acceptance feature, the customer acknowledges that the current score, time elapsed and other data provided on this site, while coming from a "live" feed provided by a third party is subject to a time delay and/or may be inaccurate, and that any bet placed based on this data is entirely at the customer’s own risk. The Company provides this data as-is with no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of such data and accepts no responsibility for any loss (direct or indirect) suffered by the customer as a result of his reliance on it.

1.7. Mix Parlay Maximum Payout

1.7.1. The maximum daily payout limit for any Mix Parlay bet, or series of Mix Parlay bets are as follows:

Soccer: USD 300,000
Other Sports: USD 60,000
If a Mix Parlay bet has been placed which involves sports with different maximum payout limits, then the lowest maximum limit will be applied.

1.7.2. All maximum payout limits also apply to any group of customers acting together, in concert, or as an organized group/syndicate and who have bet on the same combination of selections, including where placed in a series of bets, at a range of prices, over a number of days using different accounts.

1.7.3. If the Company finds any reason to believe that a number of bets have been placed in the manner indicated in the immediately preceding paragraph, the total payout of all those bets combined will be limited to one single maximum payout. This single maximum payout will be credited to the account of the customer who placed the first bet in the series of bets.

  1. Market (Bet Type) Rules General Rules

2.1. General

2.1.1. Outright Outright means betting on the winner of an Event, race or tournament. Outright place means betting on competitors that fill the designated places in an Event, race or tournament. The number of places that are paid as winners will be indicated in the Market title. If a competitor/player does not start an Event, race or tournament then all Outright bets on that competitor/player will be void unless otherwise stated in the specific sport betting rules. If there are two or more winners, or a “Dead Heat” is declared in any Outright Market then the payout odds (less the stake) are divided by the number of winners and settled accordingly with the stake returned.

This is an example For customer inquiry on what if this ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE - Top Goalscorer have 2 top scorers, how does company calculate on the payout?

The payout will be: stake/winner x(odds-1) = Payout (If top goalscorer have more than 2 person = stake/ (number of person)

For example:
Dimitar Berbatov 1.40
Carlos Tevez 3.50
IF I placed bet 100 at Dimitar Berbatovwith odds 1.40.
If top goalscorer have 2 person.
my payout will be: = Stake 100/2 x (Odds - 1) = 20
IF i placed bet 100 at Carlos Tevez with odds 3.50
If top goalscorer have 2 person.
my payout will be:= Stake 100/2 x (Odds - 1) = 125 The term “Any Other Player” (Any Other Team etc) refers to all competitors not named in the market.

2.1.2. Moneyline Moneyline means betting on one competitor or team to defeat another in an Event or to be placed higher in an Event match-up. Remaining Moneyline rules are set out in the Specific Event Betting Rules. The term “The Field” refers to all competitors other than the competitor named in the Moneyline match up.

2.1.3. Handicap (HDP) & 1st Half Handicap Handicap means betting when one competitor or team receives a virtual head start (effectively leading by that head start before the Event begins). The winner is the competitor or team with the better score after adding the given handicap to the result. Remaining Handicap rules are set out in the Specific Event Betting Rules. 1st Half Handicap means betting on the team with the better score after adding the given handicap to the result of the first half of an Event.

2.1.4. Over/Under (OU) & 1st Half Over/Under Over/Under means betting that is determined by the total number of points (goals, games etc) in the final result of an Event. If the total is more than the Over/Under pre-designated line then the winning result is Over; if the total is less than the Over/Under pre-designated line then the winning result is Under. 1st Half Over/Under means betting that is determined by the total number of points in the result of the first half of an Event. If the total is more than the Over/Under pre-designated line then the winning result is Over; if the total is less than the Over/Under pre-designated line then the winning result is Under.

2.1.5. Odd/Even (OE) & 1st Half Odd/Even Odd/Even means betting that is determined by whether the total number of points (goals, games etc) in the final result of an Event is Odd or Even. 1st Half Odd/Even means betting that is determined by whether the total number of points at the end of the first half of an Event is Odd or Even. 1st half bets will be void if an Event is abandoned before the end of the first half. But if an Event is abandoned after the end of the first half, all 1st half bets will be valid.

2.1.6. Single Team Odd/Even Single Team Odd/Even means betting to predict whether the full-time score of a specific team in a match will be odd or even. Any extra-time added in the match will not be counted for purposes of determining the full-time score of a specific team.

2.1.7. Match Half-time/Full-time Odd/Even Match Half-time/Full-time Odd/Even means betting to predict whether the half-time result and the full-time result of a match is odd and odd respectively, odd and even, even and odd, or even and even. There are four (4) options to bet on:

Even/Even For this bet type, any extra-time added will not be counted for purposes of determining the full-time result of a match.

2.1.8. Mix Parlays Parlay means bets in a combination of a minimum of two selections placed as one wager. If all selections should win then the Parlay wins and will be paid at the combined odds of the three selections. If one (or more) selection should fail to win then the Parlay loses. If one (or more) selections should be postponed then the odds for that selection will revert to 1.00 odds.

2.2. Soccer Bet Types

2.2.1. Unless otherwise stated the result to soccer bet types refer to the score at the end of regular time (including any stoppage time added by the referee). Extra-time does not count.

2.2.2. 1X2 1X2 means betting in any one of three possible winning outcomes for an Event. 1 refers to the team that is named first (usually the home team); X refers to the game resulting in a draw or tie; 2 refers to the team that is named second (usually the away team).

2.2.3. Correct Score Correct Score means betting to predict the final score at the end of full-time. Correct Score to win "5-0UP" (or 0-5UP) means the selected team must win by a margin of five (5) goals or more.

Result for 5-0UP - 5:1, 6:2 and etc (Lose) / 5:0, 6:1 and etc (Win)
Result for 0-5UP - 1:5, 2:6 and etc (Lose) / 0:5, 1:6 and etc (Win) Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined.

2.2.4. Total Goal & First Half Total Goal Total Goal means betting determined by the total sum of the number of goals scored in an Event. First Half Total Goal means betting determined by the total sum of the number of goals scored in the first half of a match. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined.

2.2.5. Half-time/Full-time (HT.FT) Half-time/Full-time means betting to predict both the Half-time result and Full-time result of an Event (extra-time does not count). The following with respect to this Market shall mean: H refers to the first named team (usually the home team); D refers to a draw; A refers to the second named team (usually the away team). Example – HA means that the first named team (Home) will be leading at half-time, and the second named team (Away) will be leading at full-time.

2.2.6. First Goal/Last Goal & First Half First Goal/Last Goal First Goal/Last Goal means betting on which team will score the first or last goal in a match. With respect to this Market, the following shall mean: HF refers to the first named team (usually the home team) scoring the first goal. HL refers to the first named team scoring the last goal. AF refers to the second named team (usually the away team) scoring the first goal. AL refers to the second named team scoring the last goal. NG refers to no goals being scored during the Event. First Half First Goal/Last Goal means betting on which team will score the first or last goal in the first half of a match. With respect to this Market, the following shall mean: HF refers to the first named team (usually the home team) scoring the first goal. HL refers to the first named team scoring the last goal. AF refers to the second named team (usually the away team) scoring the first goal. AL refers to the second named team scoring the last goal. NG refers to no goals being scored during the Event. Own goals count to the team credited with the goal. If an Event is abandoned after a goal is scored then all bets on First Goal (and No Goal) will stand while bets on Last Goal will be void. If an Event is abandoned without any goal being scored then all wagers on First Goal, Last Goal and No Goal will be void.

2.2.7. Which Team to Kick-Off Which Team to Kick-Off means betting on which team will kick-off the Event. If an Event is abandoned after the Event has kicked-off then all bets are still valid.

2.2.8. Home Team Total vs. Away Team Total Home Team Total vs. Away Team Total means the total number of goals scored by the home teams versus the total number of goals scored by the away teams for matches in a specific league played on a certain day. Home refers to the first named team and Away refers to the second named team If one (or more) matches should be postponed or abandoned then the bet is void.

2.2.9. Single Team Over/Under & Single Team 1st Half Over/Under Single Team Over/Under means a bet on the number of goals scored by any one team in a match. Single Team 1st Half Over/Under means betting to predict the goal scored by a specified team during the first half of an Event. If the total is more than the OU line then the winning result is Over; if the total is less than the OU line then the winning result is Under.

2.2.10. Corners An awarded corner but untaken do not count. Number of Corners Handicap & 1st Half Handicap Handicap means betting on which team will take the most corners during a match inclusive of any handicaps. 1st Half Handicap means betting on which team will take the most corners during the first half of a match inclusive of any handicaps. 1st Half Handicap’s bets will be void if the match is abandoned during the first half of the match. First Half’s Handicap bets will remain valid if the match is abandoned during the second half of the match. Over/Under & 1st Half Over/Under Over/Under means betting on the total number of corners taken by both teams during a match. 1st Half Over/Under means betting on the total number of corners taken by both team during the first half of a match. If the total is more than the OU line then the winning result is Over; if the total is less than the OU line then the winning result is Under. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined. First Corner & 2nd Half First Corner First Corner means betting on which team will take the first corner in a match. 2nd Half First Corner means betting on which team will take the first corner in the 2nd half of a match. If a match is abandoned after the first corner has been taken then all bets are valid. If a match is abandoned before the first corner has been taken then all bets are void. Last Corner Last Corner means betting on which team will take the last corner in a match. If a match is abandoned then all bets are void. Next Corner Next Corner means betting on which team will take the next corner in a match. All bets are considered valid if the designated corner had been taken.

2.2.11. Total Bookings A yellow card counts as one point and a red card counts as two points. The maximum number of points that a player can receive during a match is three (one for a yellow and two for a red, the second yellow card does not count). Cards shown to non-players (managers, coaches, substitutes etc) do not count. Number of Total Bookings. Handicap & 1st Half Handicap Handicap means betting on which team will receive the most cards during a match inclusive of any handicaps. 1st Half Handicap means betting on which team will receive the most cards during the first half of a match inclusive of any handicaps. 1st Half Handicap’s bets will be void if the match is abandoned during the first half of the match. However, bets will remain valid if the match is abandoned during the second half of the match. Over/Under & 1st Half Over/Under Over/Under means betting on the total number of cards received by both teams during a match. 1st Half Over/Under means betting on the total number of cards received by both teams during the first half of a match. If the total is more than the OU line then the winning result is Over; if the total is less than the OU line then the winning result is Under. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined. First Booking & 2nd Half First Booking First Card means betting on which team will receive first card (Yellow or Red) in a match. 2nd Half First Booking means betting on which team will receive first booking (Yellow or Red) in the 2nd half of a match If two or more players receive a booking for the same incident then the player who is shown the first card by the referee will be deemed the winner. If a match is abandoned after the first card has been issued then all bets are valid. If a match is abandoned before the first card has been issued then all bets are void. Last Booking Last Booking means betting on which team will receive last booking (Yellow or Red) in a match. If two or more players receive a booking for the same incident then the player who is shown the last card by the referee will be deemed the winner. If a match is abandoned then all bets are void. Next Booking Next Booking means betting to predict which team will receive a booking next, either a red card and/or a yellow card. All bets are considered valid if the designated booking had been received. Red Card Predict whether a red card will be issued in the match within the full "90 minutes" of play. Any cards issued to non-players (e.g. managers, coaches or substitutes) do not count. If a match is abandoned after a red card is issued, all bets on the "Red Card in the Match" will stand. If a match is abandoned before a red card is issued, all bets on the "Red Card in the Match" will be considered void.

2.2.12. Offsides Settlement is based on the official results provided by the Relevant Governing Authority. Number of Offside Handicap & 1st Half Handicap Handicap means betting on which team will be caught offside the most number of times during a match, inclusive of any handicaps. 1st Half Handicap means betting on which team will be caught offside the most number of times during the first half of a match, inclusive of any handicaps. 1st Half Handicap’s bets will be void if the match is abandoned during the first half of the match. However, bets will remain valid if the match is abandoned during the second half of the match. Over/Under & 1st Half Over/Under Over/Under means betting on the total number of offside decisions during a match. 1st Half Over/Under means betting on the total number of offside decisions during the first half of a match If the total is more than the OU line then the winning result is Over; if the total is less than the OU line then the winning result is Under. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined. First Offside & 2nd Half First Offside First Offside means betting on which team will be caught offside first in a match. 2nd Half First Offside means betting on which team will be caught offside first in the 2nd half of a match. If a match is abandoned after the first offside decision then all bets are valid. If a match is abandoned before the first offside decision then all bets are void. Last Offside Last Offside means betting on which team will be caught offside last in a match. If a match is abandoned then all bets are void. Next Offside Next Offside means betting to predict which team will be caught offside next. All bets are considered valid if the designated offside had been caught.

2.2.13. Substitutions Settlement is based on the official results provided by the Relevant Governing Authority. Number of Substitution Handicap Handicap means betting on which team will make the most substitutions during a match, inclusive of any handicaps. If a match is abandoned then all bets are void. Over/Under Over/Under means betting on the total number of substitutions during a match. If the total is more than the OU line then the winning result is Over; if the total is less than the OU line then the winning result is Under. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined. First Substitution First Substitution means betting on which team will make the first substitution during a match. If two or more players are substituted at the same time then the player whose number is shown first by the fourth official is deemed the winner. If a match is abandoned after the first substitution has been made then all bets are valid. If a match is abandoned before the first substitution has been made then all bets are void. Last Substitution Last Substitution means betting on which team will make the last substitution during a match. If two or more players are substituted at the same time then the player whose number is shown last by the fourth official is deemed the winner. If a match is abandoned then all bets are void

2.2.14. Clean Sheets Clean Sheets means betting "Yes" on a team to keep a clean sheet (not to concede a goal) or "No" on a team not to keep a clean sheet (to concede a goal). If an Event is abandoned after goal is scored by Home team only, then ‘Away Yes & No’ bets will stand while ‘Home Yes & No’ bets will be void. If goal is scored by Away team only, then ‘Home Yes & No’ bets will stand while ‘Away Yes & No’ will be void. If goals are scored by both Home and Away teams, then all bets will stand. If an Event is abandoned without any goal being scored, then all wagers will be void.

Rule 1
Home score ≥ 1, Away score = 0 (1, 2..:0)
Home Yes – Refund  Away Yes – Lose
Home No – Refund   Away No – Win
Rule 2 
Home score ≥ 1, Away score ≥ 1 (1, 2…: 1, 2…)
Home Yes – Lose   Away Yes – Lose
Home No – Win    Away No - Win
Rule 3
Home score = 0, Away score ≥ 1 (0:1, 2…)
Home Yes – Lose  Away Yes – Refund
Home No – Win   Away No – Refund

2.2.15. Penalties Penalties mean betting on a penalty being awarded and taken during a match. If a match is abandoned after a penalty has been awarded and taken then all bets are still valid. If a match is abandoned before a penalty has been awarded and taken then all bets are void.

2.2.16. Penalty Shoot-outs Penalty Shoot-outs means betting on which team will win the penalty shootout. In handicap betting the result includes all penalties taken in the shoot-out, including sudden death. In over/under betting the result only includes the regulation ten penalties in the shoot-out and does not include sudden death.

2.2.17. Fantasy League Fantasy matches are pairings of teams from different matches. The matches involving both teams must kick-off on the same day, otherwise bets are considered void. All venues are strictly for reference purposes only.

2.2.18. Specific 15-Minute Over/Under (OU) The Specific 15-Minute (OU) means betting that is determined by the total number of points (goals, corners, games, cards etc.) at the end of every 15th minute [INTERVAL OF] time of a match. If the total is more than the Over/Under pre-designated line then the winning result is Over; if the total is less than the Over/Under pre-designated line then the winning result is Under. For example,

15th Minute OU
00:00 – 15:00 OU: Total number of points to be scored from 00:00 till 15:00
All bets must be place on or before the end of the 15th minute.

30th Minute OU
15:01 – 30:00 OU: Total number of points to be scored from 15:01 till 30:00
All bets must be place on or before the end of the 30th minute.

60th Minute OU
45:01 – 60:00 OU: Total number of points to be scored from 45:01 till 60:00
All bets must be place on or before the end of the 60th minute.

75th Minute OU
60:01 – 75:00 OU: Total number of points to be scored from 60:01 till 75:00
All bets must be place on or before the end of the 75th minute. For the Specific 15-Minute OU, bets are settled on the exact time the goal is scored (ball crossing the goal line), number of corners (corners taken) and Total Bookings (cards given by the official referee) as shown by the clock as published in the live broadcast. If a match is suspended or abandoned, then bets placed on unfinished Specific 15-Minute OU will be considered void. If the designated Specific 15-Minute OU are completed then bets will be valid. For last two (2) minutes of any Specific 15 Minutes O/U live betting, any actions other than the ones mentioned herein below, will be considered Safe Play and thus all pending bets placed may be considered for acceptance: a goal, a penalty and red card. For last two (2) minutes of any Specific 15 Minutes Number of Corners live betting, any actions other than the ones mentioned herein below, will be considered Safe Play and thus all pending bets placed may be considered for acceptance: front court dangerous free kick, attacker is holding the ball at the front court and a penalty. For last two (2) minutes of any Specific 15 Minutes Total Bookings live betting, any actions other than the ones mentioned herein below, will be considered Safe Play and thus all pending bets placed may be considered for acceptance: front court dangerous free kick, a penalty, a goal, a corner, player down injured unexplained, players arguing and players fighting. For 30:01-45:00 & 75:01 - 90:00, bets are settled on the exact time the goal is scored ( ball crossing the goal line) , number of corners (corners taken) and Total bookings (cards given by the official referee) as shown by the clock as published in the live broadcast excluding any additional time or injury time

2.2.19. Free kick An awarded free kick but untaken do not count Free kick refers to direct free kick and indirect free kick. (Except Penalty kick & Goal kick). Number of Free kicks Handicap & 1st Half Handicap Handicap means betting on which team will take the most free kicks during a match inclusive of any handicaps. 1st Half Handicap means betting on which team will take the most free kicks during the first half of a match inclusive of any handicaps. 1st Half Handicap’s bets will be void if the match is abandoned during the first half of the match. However, bets will remain valid if the match is abandoned during the second half of the match. Over/Under & 1st Half Over/Under Over/Under means betting on the total number of free kicks taken by both teams during a match. 1st Half Over/Under means betting on the total number of free kicks taken by both teams during the first half of a match If the total is more than the OU line then the winning result is Over; if the total is less than the OU line then the winning result is Under. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined. First Free kick & 2nd Half First Free kick First Free kick means betting on which team will take the first free kick in a match. 2nd Half First Free kick means betting on which team will take the first free kick in the 2nd half of a match. If a match is abandoned after the first free kick has been taken then all bets are valid. If a match is abandoned before the first free kick has been taken then all bets are void. Last Free Kick Last Free kick means betting on which team will take the last free kick in a match. If a match is abandoned then all bets are void. Next Free Kick Next Free Kick means betting to predict which team will be awarded the next free kick. All bets are considered valid if the designated free kick had been taken.

2.2.20. Goal kick A goal kick is awarded to the defending team if the ball completely crosses the end line, as a result of contact with an opposing player. Kick by a goalkeeper after making a save does not count. Number of Goal kicks Handicap & 1st Half Handicap Handicap means betting on which team will take the most goal kicks during a match inclusive of any handicaps. 1st Half means betting on which team will take the most goal kicks during the first half of a match inclusive of any handicaps. 1st Half Handicap’s bets will be void if the match is abandoned during the first half of the match. However, bets will remain valid if the match is abandoned during the second half of the match. Over/Under & 1st Half Over/Under Over/Under means betting on the total number of goal kicks taken by both teams during a match. 1st Half Over/Under means betting on the total number of goal kicks taken by both teams during the first half of a match. If the total is more than the OU line then the winning result is Over; if the total is less than the OU line then the winning result is Under. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined. First Goal kick & 2nd Half First Goal kick First Goal kick means betting on which team will take the first goal kick in a match. 2nd Half First Goal kick means betting on which team will take the first goal kick in the 2nd half of a match. If a match is abandoned after the first goal kick has been taken then all bets are valid. If a match is abandoned before the first goal kick has been taken then all bets are void. Last Goal Kick Last Goal kick means betting on which team will take the last goal kick in a match. If a match is abandoned then all bets are void. Next Goal Kick Next Goal Kick means betting on which team will take the next goal kick in a match. All bets are considered valid if the designated goal kick had been taken.

2.2.21. Throw-in A throw-in is awarded to a team if the ball completely crosses the side touch line, as a result of contact with an opposing player. Number of Throw-in Handicap & 1st Half Handicap Handicap means betting on which team will take the most throw-in during a match inclusive of any handicaps. 1st Half Handicap means betting on which team will take the most throw-in during the first half of a match inclusive of any handicaps. 1st Half Handicap’s bets will be void if the match is abandoned during the first half of the match. However, bets will remain valid if the match is abandoned during the second half of the match. Over/Under & 1st Half Over/Under Over/Under means betting on the total number of throw-in taken by both teams during a match. 1st Half Over/Under means betting on the total number of throw-in taken by both teams during the first half of a match If the total is more than the OU line then the winning result is Over; if the total is less than the OU line then the winning result is Under. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined. First Throw-in & 2nd Half First Throw-in First throw-in means betting on which team will take the first throw-in in a match. 2nd Half First throw-in means betting on which team will take the first throw-in in the 2nd half of a match. If a match is abandoned after the first throw-in has been taken then all bets are valid. If a match is abandoned before the first throw-in has been taken then all bets are void. Last Throw-in Last throw-in means betting on which team will take the last throw-in in a match. If a match is abandoned then all bets are void. Next Throw-in Next Throw-in means betting on which team will take the next throw-in in a match. All bets are considered valid if the designated throw-in had been taken

2.2.22. Specific 10-Minutes Over/Under (O/U) The Specific 10-Minute (OU) means betting that is determined by the total number of points (goals, corners, games, cards etc.) at the end of every 10th minute [INTERVAL OF] time of a match. If the total is more than the Over/Under pre-designated line then the winning result is Over; if the total is less than the Over/Under pre-designated line then the winning result is Under. For example:

10th Minute OU
00:00 – 10:00 O/U: Total number of points to be scored from 00:00 till 10:00.
All bets must be place on or before the end of the 10th minutes.

20th Minute OU
10:01 – 20:00 O/U: Total number of points to be scored from 10:01 till 20:00.
All bets must be place on or before the end of the 20th minutes.

30th Minute OU
20:01 – 30:00 O/U: Total number of points to be scored from 20:01 till 30:00.
All bets must be place on or before the end of the 30th minutes.

40th Minute OU
30:01 – 40:00 O/U: Total number of points to be scored from 30:01 till 40:00.
All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 40th minute.

60th Minute OU
50:01 – 60:00 O/U: Total number of points to be scored from 50:01 till 60:00.
All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 60th minute.

70th Minute OU
60:01 – 70:00 O/U: Total number of points to be scored from 60:01 till 70:00.
All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 70th minute.

80th Minute OU
70:01 – 80:00 O/U: Total number of points to be scored from 70:01 till 80:00.
All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 80th minute.

90th Minute OU
80:01 – 90:00 O/U: Total number of points to be scored from 80:01 till 90:00.
All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 90th minute. For the Specific 10-Minutes O/U, bets are settled on the exact time the goal is scored (ball crossing the goal line) , number of corners (corners taken) and Total Bookings (cards given by the official referee) as shown by the clock as published in the live broadcast. If a match is suspended or abandoned, then bets placed on unfinished Specific 10-Minute OU will be considered void. If the designated Specific 10-Minute O/U are completed then bets will be valid. For last two (2) minutes of any Specific 10 Minutes O/U live betting, any actions other than the ones mentioned herein below, will be considered Safe Play and thus all pending bets placed may be considered for acceptance: a goal, a penalty and red card. For 80:01-90:00, bets are settled on the exact time the goal is scored ( ball crossing the goal line) , number of corners (corners taken) and Total bookings (cards given by the official referee) as shown by the clock as published in the live broadcast excluding any additional time or injury time.

2.2.23. Futsal Rules All bets are based on the result at the end of the scheduled 40 minutes (2 x 20 minutes) regulation time. Extra-time or penalties DOES NOT count. If a match is postponed, or is suspended and is not resumed on the same day, then all bets will be considered void. If a match begins before the scheduled time then only bets made before the actual kick-off will be considered valid. All bets placed after the starting time will be considered void, except for Live Betting.

2.2.24. Top Goal Scorer Leagues Top Goalscorer Leagues Top Goalscorer means betting to predict the player who will score most goals within one regular season of a league. In case a player joins another club within the same league during mid-season, all goals scored while in different clubs will be included in computing the total goals scored. But goals scored by a player for any match outside the league will not count. Goals scored during play-off games and on penalty shootouts will not count. Owns goals will be excluded in computing the total goals scored by a player. Bets on non-starters will remain valid. A non-starter is any player whose name was not included in the final squad for the current season of a league. If a player withdraws from or is transferred to another club in different league prior to the start of the season, bets on the withdrawing or transferred player will be refunded. In case of dead-heat, the payout odds (less the stake) are divided by the number of winners and settled accordingly with the stake returned. Tournament or Event Top Goalscorer Tournament or Event Top Goalscorer means betting to predict the player who will score most goals within one tournament or an event. Own goals and goals scored in penalty shootouts will be excluded in computing the total goals scored by a player. However, goals scored during extra-time are counted. Bets on non-starters will remain valid. A non-starter is any player whose name was not included in the final squad for the tournament or event. If a player withdraws from or is transferred to another club in different tournament or event prior to the start of the tournament or event, bets on the withdrawing or transferred player will be refunded. In case of dead-heat, the payout odds (less the stake) are divided by the number of winners and settled accordingly with the stake returned. Players Head to Head Match Top Goal Scorer Own goals and goals scored in penalty-shootouts do not count. Extra-time are excluded and do not count for betting purposes. If a player does not start/play in the match, all bets will be considered Void. All results are taken when the official result is declared at the end of the match by the governing body.

2.2.25. Injury Time Injury time means the extra playing time added on to compensate for time spent attending to injured players during the match. The injury time may be awarded during the end of the 1st half or the end of the 2nd half, and the duration may be as follows:


1 minute

2 minutes

3 minutes

4+ minutes Injury Time Awarded at the End of 1st Half All bets placed are based on the full 45-minute play excluding extra time. Bets are settled on the Injury time awarded by the match fourth official referee after the full 45 minutes of play or at end of 1st half. If a match is abandoned at any time during the 1st Half, all bets on Injury Time Awarded at the end of 1st Half will be considered void and bets will be refunded to the member’s accounts. Injury Time awarded at the End of the 2nd Half All bets placed are based on the full 90-minute play excluding extra time. Bets are settled on the Injury time awarded by the match fourth official referee after the full 90 minutes of play or at end of 2nd half. If a match is abandoned at any time, all bets on Injury Time Awarded at the end of 2nd Half will be considered void and bets will be refunded to the member’s accounts. The Company will settle bets according to the official results made available by the soccer authority responsible for organizing the match.

2.2.26. Double Chance & 1st Half Double Chance The following options are available:

* 1 or X - If the result is either a home or draw then bets on this option are winners.

* X or 2 - If the result is either a draw or away then bets on this option are winners.

* 1 or 2 - If the result is either a home or away then bets on this option are winners.

* If a match is played at a neutral venue the team listed first is deemed the home team for betting purposes.

2.2.27. Draw no bet Predict a Home or Away win in a match. If the final result after regular time of play or at the end of scheduled time is a Draw, all bets will be refunded.

2.2.28. Both/One /Neither to score

* Both= Both teams to score.

* One= Either team to score.

* Neither= Both team not to score. If an Event is abandoned after goal is scored by Home team only, then ‘Neither’ bets will stand while ‘Both’ and ‘One’ bets will be void. If goal is scored by Away team only, ‘Neither’ bets will stand while ‘Both’ & ‘One’ will be void. If goals are scored by both Home and Away teams, all bets will stand. If an Event is abandoned without any goal being scored, all wagers will be void.

Rule 1
Home score ≥ 1, Away score = 0 (1, 2..:0)
Both – Refund
One – Refund
Neither - Lose

Rule 2
Home score ≥ 1, Away score ≥ 1 (1, 2: 1, 2…)
Both – Win
One – Lose
Neither - Lose

Rule 3
Home score = 0, Away score ≥ 1 (0:1, 2…)
Both – Refund
One – Refund
Neither – Lose

2.2.29. TO WIN TO NIL Predict whether your selection can win the match without conceding a goal after regular time of play or at the end of that scheduled, excluding extra time or penalty shoot-outs. If an Event is abandoned after goal is scored by Home team only, then ‘Away’ bets will stand while ‘Home’ bets will be void. If goal is scored by Away team only, then ‘Home’ bets will stand while ‘Away’ will be void. If goals are scored by both Home and Away teams, all bets will stand. If an Event is abandoned without any goal being scored, then all wagers will be void.

Rule 1
Home score ≥ 1, Away score = 0 (1, 2..:0) Home – Refund  Away – Lose

Rule 2
Home score ≥ 1, Away score ≥ 1 (1, 2…: 1, 2…)
Home – Lose  Away – Lose

Rule 3
Home score = 0, Away score ≥ 1 (0:1, 2…)
Home – Lose  Away – Refund

2.2.30. 3 way handicap Settlement will be at the odds displayed using the actual score in the match adjusted for the handicap.

2.2.31. TO WIN EITHER HALF Predict whether your selection can score more goals than their opponent in one of two halves. Home to Win Either Half Home to win either half means betting to predict whether home team can score more goals than their opponent in one of two halves. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined. Away to Win Either Half Away to win either half means betting to predict whether away team can score more goals than their opponent in one of two halves. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined.

2.2.32. To Win Both Halves Predict whether your selection can score more goals than their opponent in each half.

For example : If your selection scores in the first half of a match and the match finishes 1-0, although the first half was won 1-0 , the score in the second 45 minutes was effectively 0-0 and therefore a draw. If this occurs, only the first half is considered to have been 'won' and therefore bets would be losers. Home to Win Both Halves Home to Win Both Halves means betting to predict whether home team can score more goals than their opponent in each half. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined. Away to Win Both Halves Away to Win Both Halves means betting to predict whether away team can score more goals than their opponent in each half. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined.

2.2.33. Highest Scoring Team Team with highest scoring is the winner. Goal Difference does not count. If teams are level on scores, then Dead Heat rules apply. Abandonments and Postponements Bets for the team who had a match abandoned or postponed (but not rescheduled within the period stated by the company) will be voided. Goals scored during penalty shootout will not count. For markets referring to tournaments, goals scored in extra time will count. For markets referring to set of fixtures on given dates, goals scored in extra time will not count.


Man city 4 Swansea 4

Liverpool 4 Sunderland 1

Then Liverpool, Man city and Swansea are the winner.

2.2.34. Exact Total Goal & First Half exact Total Goal Exact Total Goal means betting to predict the total number of goals scored by both teams by the end of normal time. Own goals count. If an exact score occurs that is not an option in our offer, all bets are lost. First Half Exact Total Goal means betting to predict the total number of goals scored by both teams in the first half of a match . Own goals count. If an exact score occurs that is not an option in our offer, all bets are lost. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined.

2.2.35. Exact Group Points: Exact Group Points means betting on a team to get a specific number of total points at the end of the Group round.

2.2.36. Highest Scoring Group Means betting to predict the total number of goals scored by the group in the date specified. If groups are level on scores, then Dead Heat rules apply.


Group A

Poland -vs- Greece2 - 1 = 3 Goals

Russia -vs- Czech3 - 2 = 5 Goals

Group A Total: 8Goals

Group B Total: 7Goals

Group C Total: 7Goals

Group D Total: 6Goals

Group A is the winner.

2.2.37. Team Group Points Means betting on a team's points at the end of the Group round which accurately matched the categories offered, "Under", "Inclusive" & "Over".


Total points of Team X is 5 points

If bet is:

Under 3 points – lose

Inclusive 3-4 points – lose

Over 4 points – win

2.2.38. Group Straight Forecast Means betting to predict the teams that will place first and second, in specific order, in the team standings of their respective Group at the end of the Group stage.

2.2.39. Injury time awarded Over/Under Injury time awarded at end of 1st half Over/Under: 1st Half Injury Time Over/Under means betting Over/Under on the injury time awarded at the end of 1st half. If the total is more than the OU line then the winning result is Over; if the total is less than the OU line then the winning result is Under. Bets are settled on the injury time awarded by the match fourth official referee after the full 45 minutes of play or at end of 1st half. Injury time awarded at end of 2nd half Over/Under 2nd Half Injury Time Over/Under means betting Over/Under on the injury time awarded at the end of 2nd half. If the total is more than the OU line then the winning result is Over; if the total is less than the OU line then the winning result is Under. Bets are settled on the injury time awarded by the match fourth official referee after the full 90 minutes of play or at end of 2nd half.

2.2.40. First Goal Method Means predicting the way the first goal of a match is scored by either team. Free-kick - Goal must be scored directly from the free kick. Deflected shots count provided the free-kick taker is awarded the goal. Also includes goals scored directly from a corner kick. Penalty - Goal must be scored directly from the penalty, with penalty taker as named scorer. Own Goal - If goal is declared as an own goal. Header - Last touch of the scorer must be with the head. Shot - All other goal-types not included above. No Goal The Company will settle bets according to the official results made available by the soccer authority responsible for organizing the match.

2.2.41. Penalty Shootout – Will the Penalty be Scored? Means betting to predict if a designated kick-taker will score or miss on penalty kick during penalty shooutout. If penalty kick is not taken, then all bets will be considered void.

2.2.42. Dual Forecast Dual Forecast means betting to predict the two (2) teams which must be in top 2 positions, in any order, at the end of the tournament.

2.2.43. Straight Forecast Straight Forecast means betting to predict the two (2) teams which must be in top 2 positions, in exact order, at the end of the tournament.

2.2.44. Top Newcomer Top Newcomer means to predict which team will finish as the Top Newcomer of an Event or tournament. A “Newcomer” is a team that is newly promoted to join an Event or tournament.

2.2.45. Regional Winner Regional Winner means betting on the winner of the event or tournament from the region. All results are taken when the official result is declared at the end of the tournament by the governing body.

2.2.46. Home no bet Predict a Draw or Away win in a match. If the final result after regular time of play or at the end of scheduled time is a Home win, all bets will be refunded.

2.2.47. Away no bet Predict a Draw or Home win in a match. If the final result after regular time of play or at the end of scheduled time is an Away win, all bets will be refunded.

2.2.48. Draw / No draw Predict a Draw or No draw in the final result of an event after regular time of play or at the end of scheduled time.

2.2.49. First Half Correct Score First Half Correct Score means betting to predict the final score at the end of First Half. If a match is abandoned during the First Half, all bets will be considered void. If a match is abandoned at the Second Half, then all First Half bets will be valid.

2.2.50. Result/Total Goal Result/Total Goal means betting to both predict:

(A) whether a match will result in Home win or Away win or Draw; and

(B)  whether the total number of goals in the final result of an event will be Over or Under. The following betting options are available:

  1. Home & Over – bet wins if home team wins and the total goals are above pre-designated line.
  2. Home & Under – bet wins if home team wins and the total goals are below pre-designated line.
  3. Away & Over – bet wins if away team wins and the total goals are above pre-designated line.
  4. Away & Under - bet wins if away team wins and the total goals are below pre-designated line.
  5. Draw & Over – bet wins if the match results in draw and the total goals are above pre-designated line.
  6. Draw & Under – bet wins if the match results in draw and the total goals are below pre-designated line.

2.2.51. Team to Win From Behind Team to Win From Behind means betting to predict the team that will be losing at any time in the match but eventually comes from behind and win at the end of 90 minutes.

2.2.52. GOAL SCORER First Goal Scorer From the list of players offered, nominate the player to score the first goal of the match within the official "90 minutes". Own goals do not count for "First Goal Scorer" purposes and will be ignored. In the event of an own goal, the next goal will be taken into consideration. If an own goal is the only goal scored, "Others" will be settled as the winning goal scorer selection. For "First Goal Scorer", bets on players not taking part in the match and players coming on after the first goal is scored will be void. If the player you have bet on to be the first goal scorer is sent off or substituted by another player before the "First Goal Scorer" is decided, the bet will be rendered as a losing bet. If the match is abandoned after the first goal is scored, then all bets for "First Goal Scorer" will be considered valid. If the match is abandoned before the first goal is scored, all bets on "First Goal Scorer" will be considered void. Last Goal Scorer From the list of players offered, nominate the player to score the last goal of the match within the official "90 minutes" play. Own goals do not count for Last Goal Scorer" purposes and will be ignored. In the event of an own goal, the next or previous goal will be taken into consideration. If an own goal is the only goal scored, "Others" will be settled as the winning goal scorer selection. If the player you have bet on to be the last goal scorer is sent off or substituted for another player before the "Last Goal Scorer" is decided, the bet will be rendered as a losing bet. For "Last Goal Scorer", all players taking part in a match will be considered valid. If the match is abandoned then all bets on "Last Goal Scorer" will be considered void. Anytime Goal Scorer From the list of players offered, nominate the player to score at anytime in the specific match within the official "90 minutes" play. Bets will be void if the selected player does not play in the match. Bets stand if the selected player is fielded at any time during the regular time of play. If the match is abandoned after a player has scored, then all bets for that player within the "Anytime Goal Scorer" market will be considered valid. If the match is abandoned, any bets on a nominated player yet to score will be considered void. However, if that nominated player had been red-carded before the abandonment of the match, then any relevant bets on that player will be considered losing bets. Own goal and goals scored during extra time or penalty shootouts do not count.

2.2.53. First Team to Score 2 Goals Means betting to predict which team will be the first to score two (2) goals in a match.

  1. Home
  2. Away
  3. Neither If a match is abandoned after a team has scored two (2) goals, all bets will stand. If a match is abandoned before any team has scored two (2) goals, all bets will be void.

2.2.54. First Team to Score 3 Goals Means betting to predict which team will be the first to score three (3) goals in a match.

  1. Home
  2. Away
  3. Neither If a match is abandoned after a team has scored three (3) goals, all bets will stand. If a match is abandoned before any team has scored three (3) goals, all bets will be void.

2.2.55. Time of First Goal Means betting to predict in which time bracket the first goal will be scored. The following time brackets/betting options are available:

  1. 00:00 - 10:00
  2. 10:01 - 20:00
  3. 20:01 - 30:00
  4. 30:01 - 40:00
  5. 40:01 - 50:00
  6. 50:01 - 60:00
  7. 60:01 - 70:00
  8. 70:01 - 80:00
  9. 80:01 – Full Time
  10. No goal If a match is abandoned after the first goal has been scored, all bets will stand. If a match is abandoned before the first goal has been scored, all bets will be void.

2.2.56. Which Half Will Produce The First Goal Means betting to predict on which half of the match the first goal will be scored. The following betting options are available:

  1. First half
  2. Second half
  3. No goal If a match is subsequently abandoned after the first goal has been scored during the first half, all bets will stand. If a match is abandoned at any time before the first goal has been scored, all bets will be void.

2.2.57. Both Teams to Score/Result and Both Teams to Score/Half Time Result Both teams to score / result means betting to both predict:

(A) whether a match will result in both teams scoring and;

(B) whether a match will result in Home Win or Away win or Draw. The following betting options are available:

  1. Yes & Home - bet wins if both teams score and Home team wins.
  2. Yes & Away - bet wins if both teams score and Away team wins.
  3. Yes & Draw - bet wins if both teams score and the match results in Draw. Both Teams to Score/Half Time Result means betting to predict the result of the first half of the match and whether both teams will score in the first half. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined

2.2.58. Match Half-time/Full-time Odd/Even Match Half-time/Full-time Odd/Even means betting to predict whether the half-time result and the full-time result of a match is odd and odd respectively, odd and even, even and odd, or even and even. There are four (4) options to bet on:

. Odd/Odd

. Odd/Even

. Even/Odd

. Even/Even For this bet type; any extra-time added will not be counted for purposes of determining the full-time result of a match. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined.

2.2.59. Half with Most Away Team Goal: Means betting to predict in which half of the match the Away Team will score more goals. The following options are available:

  1. 1st Half
  2. 2nd Half
  3. Tie

2.2.60. Half with Home Team Score the First Goal Means betting to predict in which half of the match the Home Team will score the First Goal. The following options are available:

  1. 1st Half
  2. 2nd Half
  3. No Goal

2.2.61. Half with Away Team Score the First Goal Means betting to predict which half of the match the Away Team will score the First Goal. The following options are available:

  1. 1st Half
  2. 2nd Half
  3. No Goal

2.2.62. Specific 15-Minute Handicap (HDP) The Specific 15-minute Handicap means betting when one competitor or team receives a virtual head start .The winner is the competitor or team with the better score after adding the given handicap to the result at the end of every 15th minute (INTERVAL OF) time of a match. For example:

15th Minute HDP

00:00 – 15:00 HDP: The winner is the competitor or team with the better score from 00:00 till 15:00.

All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 15th minute.

30th Minute HDP

15:01 – 30:00 HDP: The winner is the competitor or team with the better score from 15:01 till 30:00.

All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 30th minute.

45th Minute HDP

30:01- 45:00 HDP: The winner is the competitor or team with the better score from 30:01 - 45:00.

All bets must be placed on or before the end of 45th minute.

60th Minute HDP

45:01 – 60:00 HDP: The winner is the competitor or team with the better score from 45:01 till 60:00.

All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 60th minute.

75th Minute HDP

60:01 – 75:00 HDP: The winner is the competitor or team with the better score from 60:01 till 75:00.

All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 75th minute.

90th Minute HDP

75:01- 90:00 HDP: The winner is the competitor or team with the better score from 75:01 till 90:00.

All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 90th minute. For the Specific 15-Minute HDP, bets are settled on the exact time the goal is scored (ball crossing the goal line), number of corners (corners taken) and Total Bookings (cards given by the official referee) as shown by the clock as published in the live broadcast. If a match is suspended or abandoned, then bets placed on unfinished Specific 15-Minute HDP will be considered void. If the designated Specific 15-Minute HDP are completed then bets will be valid. For last two (2) minutes of any Specific 15 Minutes HDP live betting, any actions other than the ones mentioned herein below, will be considered Safe Play and thus all pending bets placed may be considered for acceptance: a goal, a penalty and red card. For 30:01-45:00 & 75:01 - 90:00, bets are settled on the exact time the goal is scored ( ball crossing the goal line) , number of corners (corners taken) and Total bookings (cards given by the official referee) as shown by the clock as published in the live broadcast excluding any additional time or injury time.

2.2.63. Fantasy Match: Team to Score First Fantasy Match: Team to Score First means betting to predict the team that will score the first goal in a fantasy match.

Example :

Matches: Man City vs. Liverpool ; Chelsea vs. Man United

Fantasy Match: Man City vs. Chelsea

Man City scored the first goal at 25:10

Chelsea scored the first Goal at 25:48

Winning Bet: Man City. If both matches scored at the same time (minutes and seconds) or no goal resulted from BOTH match, the fantasy match will be considered as a draw. If one match is postponed or cancelled after the first goal is scored in the other match, all bets will stand. If a match is postponed or cancelled before the first goal is scored in the other match, all bets will be void.


Matches: Man City vs. Liverpool; Chelsea vs. Man United

Fantasy Match: Man City vs. Chelsea

Man City scored the first goal at 25:10

Chelsea’s match postponed or abandoned before 25:10

Result: all bets will be void. If both matches are cancelled without scoring a goal, all bets will be void. Any goal scored during extra time will not count.

2.2.64. Top European Team Top European Team means betting on which European team will advance farthest in the FIFA World Cup tournament. If two European teams should compete in the finals or in the third place match, the winner of the match will be considered the Top European Team. In other cases where more than one European team exits the tournament in the same farthest round, “Dead Heat” rules apply and the payout odds (less the stake) are divided by the number of winners and settled accordingly with the stake returned. All bets for Top European Team will be settled when the official winner of the finals or third place match is declared by FIFA or when the last European team exits the tournament.

2.2.65. Top South American Team Top South American Team means betting on which South American team will advance farthest in the FIFA World Cup tournament. If two South American teams should compete in the finals or in the third place match, the winner of the match will be considered the Top South American Team. In other cases where more than one South American team exits the tournament in the same farthest round, “Dead Heat” rules apply and the payout odds (less the stake) are divided by the number of winners and settled accordingly with the stake returned. All bets for Top South American Team will be settled when the official winner of the finals or third place match is declared by FIFA or when the last South American team exits the tournament.

2.2.66. Top African Team Top African Team means betting on which African team will advance farthest in the FIFA World Cup tournament. If two African teams should compete in the finals or in the third place match, the winner of the match will be considered the Top African Team. In other cases where more than one African team exits the tournament in the same farthest round, “Dead Heat” rules apply and the payout odds (less the stake) are divided by the number of winners and settled accordingly with the stake returned. All bets for Top African Team will be settled when the official winner of the finals or third place match is declared by FIFA or when the last African team exits the tournament.

2.2.67. Both Teams to Score Both Teams to Score means betting to predict whether a match will result in both teams scoring. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined.

2.2.68. Both Teams to Score in First Half Both Teams to Score in First Half means betting to predict whether both teams will score in the first half of a match. If a match is abandoned after both teams have scored in the first half, then ‘Yes’ bets will be settled as winners and ‘No’ bets losers. If the match is postponed or abandoned before the end of the First Half without both teams scoring, all bets will be void.

2.2.69. Both Teams to Score in Second Half Both Teams to Score in Second Half means betting to predict whether both teams will score in the second half of a match. If a match is abandoned after both teams have scored in the second half, then ‘Yes’ bets will be settled as winners and ‘No’ bets losers. If the match is postponed or abandoned without both teams scoring, all bets will be void.

2.2.70. Both Teams to Score in 1st and/or 2nd Half Both Teams to Score in 1st and/or 2nd Half means betting to predict if both teams will score in the first half and if both teams will score in the second half of the match. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless both teams have already scored in the first half and second half of a match.

2.2.71. Both Teams to Score/Total Goals Both Teams to Score/Total Goals means betting to predict the total number of goals in the match and if both teams will score in the match. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined.

2.2.72. Half Time Result/Total Goals Half Time Result/Total Goals means betting to both predict the result of the first half of the match and the total number of first half goals. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned during the first half of the match. Bets will remain valid if the match is abandoned during the second half of the match.

2.2.73. Home First Half to Score/Second Half to Score Home First Half to Score/Second Half to Score means betting to predict whether Home Team will score in the first half and second half of the match. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined.

2.2.74. Away First Half to Score/Second Half to Score Away First Half to Score/Second Half to Score means betting to predict whether Away Team will score in the first half and second half of the match. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined.

2.2.75. Specific 15 Minutes 1X2 Specific 15 Minutes 1X2 means betting to predict any one of three possible winning outcomes at the end of every 15th minute (INTERVAL OF) time of a match. 1 refers to the team that is named first (usually the home team); X refer to the game resulting in a draw or tie; 2 refers to the team that is named second (usually away team). For example:

15th Minute 1X2

Predict any one of three possible winning outcomes which is 1X2 from 00:00 – 15:00. All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 15th minute.

30th Minute 1X2

Predict any one of three possible winning outcomes which is 1X2 from 15:01 – 30:00. All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 30th minute.

45th Minute 1X2

Predict any one of three possible winning outcomes which is 1X2 from 30:01 – 45:00. All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 45th minute.

60th Minute 1X2

Predict any one of three possible winning outcomes which is 1X2 from 45:01 – 60:00. All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 60th minute.

75th Minute 1X2

Predict any one of three possible winning outcomes which is 1X2 from 60:01 – 75:00. All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 75th minute.

90th Minute 1X2

Predict any one of three possible winning outcomes which is 1X2 from 75:01 – 90:00. All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 90th minute. For the Specific 15 Minutes 1X2, bets are settled on the exact time the goal is scored (ball crossing the goal line), number of corners (corners taken) and total bookings (cards given by the official referee) as shown by the clock as published in the live broadcast. If a match is suspended or abandoned, then bets placed on unfinished Specific 15 Minutes 1X2 will be considered void. If the designated Specific 15 Minutes 1X2 are completed then bets will be valid. For last two (2) minutes of any Specific 15 Minutes 1X2 live betting, any actions other than the one mentioned herein below, will be considered Safe Play and thus all pending bets placed may be considered for acceptance: a goal, a penalty and red card. For 30:01 – 45:00 & 75:01 – 90:00, bets are settled on the exact time the goal is scored (ball crossing the goal line), number of corners (corners taken) and total bookings (cards given by the official referee) as shown by the clock as published in the live broadcast excluding any additional time or injury time.

2.2.76. Which Team Will Advance to Next Round Which Team Will Advance to Next Round means betting to predict which team will advance to the next round of the tournament.

2.2.77. Specific 10-Minute Handicap (HDP) Specific 10-minute Handicap means betting when one competitor or team receives a virtual head start .The winner is the competitor or team with the better score after adding the given handicap to the result at the end of every 10th minute (INTERVAL OF) period of a match. For example:

10th Minute HDP

00:00 – 10:00 HDP: The winner is the competitor or team with the better score from 00:00 till 10:00.

All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 10th minute.

20th Minute HDP

10:01 – 20:00 HDP: The winner is the competitor or team with the better score from 10:01 till 20:00. 

All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 20th minute.

30th Minute HDP

20:01- 30:00 HDP: The winner is the competitor or team with the better score from 20:01 - 30:00. 

All bets must be placed on or before the end of 30th minute.

40th Minute HDP

30:01 – 40:00 HDP: The winner is the competitor or team with the better score from 30:01 till 40:00. 

All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 40th minute.

60th Minute HDP

50:01- 60:00 HDP: The winner is the competitor or team with the better score from 50:01 till 60:00. 

All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 60th minute.

70th Minute HDP

60:01- 70:00 HDP: The winner is the competitor or team with the better score from 60:01 till 70:00. 

All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 70th minute.

80th Minute HDP

70:01- 80:00 HDP: The winner is the competitor or team with the better score from 70:01 till 80:00. 

All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 80th minute.

90th Minute HDP

80:01- 90:00 HDP: The winner is the competitor or team with the better score from 80:01 till 90:00.

All bets must be placed on or before the end of the 90th minute. For the Specific 10-Minute HDP, bets are settled on the exact time the goal is scored (ball crossing the goal line), number of corners (corners taken) and total bookings (cards given by the official referee) as shown by the clock as published in the live broadcast. If a match is suspended or abandoned, then bets placed on unfinished Specific 10-Minute HDP will be considered void. If the designated Specific 10-Minute HDP are completed then bets will be valid. For last two (2) minutes of any Specific 10 Minutes HDP live betting, any actions other than the ones mentioned herein below, will be considered Safe Play and thus all pending bets placed may be considered for acceptance: a goal, a penalty and red card. For 80:01-90:00, bets are settled on the exact time the goal is scored ( ball crossing the goal line), number of corners (corners taken) and Total bookings (cards given by the official referee) as shown by the clock as published in the live broadcast excluding any additional time or injury time.

2.2.78. First Penalty to Score or Not to Score First Penalty to Score or Not to Score means betting to predict whether the first team penalty will be scored or missed.

2.2.79. Top Jersey Sponsor Top Jersey Sponsor means betting to predict which jersey sponsor will have it sponsored team win the title.

2.2.80. Continent of Head Coach Winner Continent of Head Coach Winner means betting to predict the continent of origin of the head coach of the team that will win the title.

2.2.81. Winning Margin Winning Margin means betting to predict the winner of the match and the margin of goal to be scored between the Home and Away team. The options available for this bet type are those indicated on the website. For example:

. Home win by 1 goal

. Home win by 2 goals

. Home win by 3 or more goals

. Any goal score Draw

. Away win by 1 goal

. Away win by 2 goals

. Away win by 3 or more goals For this bet type, extra-time will not be included in determining the winning margin.

2.2.82. Next Goal & First Half Next Goal Next Goal means betting to predict the team to score the next goal in a match. First half next Goal means betting to predict the team to score the next goal in the first half of a match.

2.2.83. Penalty Awarded Penalty Awarded means betting to predict whether a penalty will be awarded within the full "90 minutes" of a match. The following options are available:

. Yes

. No

2.2.84. Highest Scoring Half Highest Scoring Half means betting to predict which half of the match will have the greater number of total goals. The following options are available:

. 1st Half

. 2nd Half

. Tie Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined. Home Team Highest Scoring Half Home Team Highest Scoring Half means betting to predict which half of the match will have the greater number of home total goals. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined. Away Team Highest Scoring Half Away Team Highest Scoring Half means betting to predict which half of the match will have the greater number of away total goals. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined.

2.2.85. Half Time/Full Time Correct Score Half Time/Full Time Correct Score means betting to both predict the correct score at half time and the correct final score at the end of the match. For this bet type, “4+” refers to the betting option where total goals scored after full time must be at least four (4) to win the bet. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined.

  1. Specific Event Betting Rules

3.1. Soccer Rules

3.1.1. Where matches are scheduled for play other than under regular time (e.g. Special time periods of play on various tournaments or friendly matches) all bets will be settled at the end of that scheduled time. Where less than regular time is played, the operator reserves the right to suspend settlement of all bets pending the official result of that match. Unless non regular time matches are expressly indicated on the website prior to all soccer matches, bets taken on such matches will be considered VOID.

3.1.2. If a soccer match is postponed, or is abandoned or suspended and not resumed within 12 hours from the scheduled commencement time, then the match is void (irrespective of any official decision to honor the result). The outcome of all bets on abandoned/suspended matches is at the sole discretion of the Company.

3.1.3. First Half Betting (1H) applies to first half play only. If a match is abandoned during the first half then all bets are considered void. If a match is abandoned during the second half then all first half bets are still valid.

3.1.4. The Company provides information (e.g. neutral ground, Red card, timer, statistical information, dates, commencement, etc) as a service and accepts no liability whatsoever. It is the customer’s responsibility to be aware of the correct information for any match.

3.1.5. Unless otherwise stated, if a match is scheduled to be played on neutral ground (but is played on non neutral ground or vice versa) all bets considered valid. In the event of a change of venue (home team plays away or vice versa), all bets on the match will be considered void. Bets will also be considered void if the home and away team names are wrongly stated in reverse.

3.1.6. The score will be updated for Soccer live betting and Markets shown during live trading refer to the score displayed at the time the bet is placed. The timer and red card notices are given for reference purposes only.

3.1.7. For live betting, during a game, with respect to actions which the Company in its sole and absolute discretion, deems as dangerous where the score, outcome, performance of one team or player may be affected; or warrant changing the odds/prices or Markets or Betting Information (“Danger Play”) the Company reserves the right to suspend acceptance of bets and may accept or reject bets after the Danger Play. All other actions in a game are deemed Safe Play and bets will continue to be considered for acceptance.

3.1.8. For live betting, bet placement is allowed up to the 90th minute in addition to any injury time for full time for most games (at the discretion of the Company). Any actions, other than the ones mentioned herein below, will be considered Safe Play and thus all pending bets placed may be considered for acceptance: Play in or around the penalty spot area, penalty and free-kicks deemed by the Company as dangerous (possibility of goal).

3.1.9. For live betting, all pending bets will be automatically rejected as of the moment the referee ends the match in half time and/or full time.

3.1.10. For live betting but excluding the last 2 minutes of Specific 15-Minutes O/U, Specific 10-Minutes O/U and Specific 15-Minutes HDP, pending bets will be rejected when goal is scored as well as pending bets will be accepted under considered safe area when the penalty missed.

3.1.11. For live fantasy match betting, bet placement is allowed up to the 90th minute in addition to any injury time for full time for most games (at the discretion of the Company). From kick off time (00:00) of play onwards until prior to the end of regulation time (90th minute), whichever is applicable in a game, any actions other than the ones mentioned herein below, will be considered Safe Play and thus all pending bets placed may be considered for acceptance: Play in or around the penalty spot area; a penalty; and free-kicks deemed by the Company as dangerous (possibility of goal).

3.2. Basketball

3.2.1. All Full-Time markets, including Live betting, will be settled on the final result including overtime (unless otherwise stated).

3.2.2. If a match does not start on the scheduled start date then all bets will be void (unless stated otherwise).

3.2.3. If a match starts but is suspended or abandoned within twelve hours of the scheduled start time then Full-Time bets are still considered valid if at least forty-three (43) minutes of an NBA match, or thirty-five (35) minutes of any other basketball match have been completed. Bets will also be considered valid if an official result is declared by the relevant governing body. Otherwise bets on suspended or abandoned matches will be void, except for those on markets which have been unconditionally determined.

3.2.4. First-Half results are the sum of the First and Second Quarters. Second-Half results are the sum of the Third and Fourth Quarters, including any Overtime that may be played.

3.2.5. Fourth Quarter results do not include any Overtime that may be played.

3.2.6. If a match is suspended or abandoned then bets placed on unfinished Halves or Quarters will be considered void. If the designated Halves or Quarters are completed then bets will be valid.

3.2.7. The score will not be updated for basketball live betting and the handicap shown during live trading refers to the score at the start of the match i.e. 0-0. The time and scores displayed are for reference purposes only.

3.2.8. Which Team to Score the First Basket markets are settled on the team scoring the first points. If a match is suspended or abandoned after the first points have been scored then bets are still valid.

3.2.9. Which Team to Score the Last Basket markets are settled on the team scoring the last points of a match (including overtime) or specified Half/Quarter (not including overtime).. If a match is suspended or abandoned then all bets will be void, except for those on markets which have been unconditionally determined.

3.2.10. Special markets (including the number of Points, Rebounds, Assists, Three-Points, Free-Throws etc) are valid if both players participate in the match. If one or both players do not take part in the match then all bets are void. Results for special markets include Overtime, unless otherwise stated. All results are taken when the official result is declared at the end of the match by the governing body (NBA.com, FIBA.com etc) and any subsequent changes to the statistics are not valid for betting purposes.

3.2.11. The Home/Away venue for NCAA matches are provided as a reference only.

3.2.12. Fantasy Basketball markets are pairings of teams from different matches. The matches involving both teams must tip-off on the same day, otherwise bets are considered void. The venues for Fantasy Basketball markets are strictly for reference purposes only.

3.2.13. To win most Quarters markets are settled on the team that wins the most number of quarters during a basketball match. If the result of a specific quarter is a tie then neither team wins that quarter. Overtime is NOT included in this market. If a match is suspended or abandoned then all bets will be void.

3.3. American Football

3.3.1. All Full-Time markets, including Live betting, will be settled on the final result including overtime (unless otherwise stated in these rules).

3.3.2. If a match does not start on the scheduled start date then all bets will be void (unless stated otherwise).

3.3.3. If a match starts but is suspended or abandoned within twelve hours of the scheduled start time then Full-Time bets are still considered valid if at fifty-five (55) minutes of the match has been completed. Bets will also be considered valid if an official result is declared by the relevant governing body. Otherwise bets on suspended or abandoned matches will be void, except for those on markets which have been unconditionally determined.

3.3.4. First-Half results are the sum of the First and Second Quarters. Second-Half results are the sum of the Third and Fourth Quarters, including any Overtime that may be played.

3.3.5. Fourth Quarter results do not include any Overtime that may be played.

3.3.6. If a match is suspended or abandoned then bets placed on unfinished Halves or Quarters will be considered void. If the designated Halves or Quarters are completed then bets will be valid.

3.3.7. The score will be updated for American Football live betting and markets shown during live trading refer to the score displayed at the time the bet is placed.

3.3.8. Which Team to Score the First Points markets are settled on the team scoring the first points. If a match is suspended or abandoned after the first points have been scored then bets are still valid.

3.3.9. Which Team to Score the Last Points markets are settled on the team scoring the last points of a match (including overtime). If a match is suspended or abandoned then all bets will be void.

3.3.10. The Home/Away venue for NCAA matches are provided as a reference only

3.3.11. For live betting, during a game, with respect to actions which the Company in its sole and absolute discretion, deems as dangerous where the score, outcome, performance of one team or player may be affected; or warrant changing the odds/prices or Markets or Betting Information (“Danger Play”) the Company reserves the right to suspend acceptance of bets and may accept or reject bets after the Danger Play. All other actions in a game are deemed Safe Play and bets will continue to be considered for acceptance.

3.4. Baseball

3.4.1. Pitcher names are strictly for reference purposes only. All baseball bets will still be considered valid regardless of the starting pitchers.

3.4.2. All Full-Time markets, including Live betting, will be settled on the final result including extra innings (unless otherwise stated in these rules). In Japanese baseball a tie can be declared and in this case moneyline bets will be refunded.

3.4.3. If a game does not start on the scheduled start date then all bets will be void (unless stated otherwise).

3.4.4. For baseball bets to be considered valid then the game must go 9 (nine) innings (or 8.5 innings if the home team is leading). If a game is suspended and completed on a subsequent day then all bets (except those which have been unconditionally determined) will be considered void.

3.4.5. If a game is suspended or called in extra innings then the score will be determined after the last full inning, unless the home team scores to tie or lead in the bottom half of the inning, in which case the score is determined at the time the game is called.

3.4.6. First 5 Innings bets are settled on the result at the end of five innings. If five innings are not completed, for whatever reason, then all bets will be considered void.

3.4.7. The score will be updated for Baseball live betting and markets shown during live trading refer to the score displayed at the time the bet is placed.

3.4.8. World Baseball Classic games can end early if a team is leading by ten or more runs after the opposing team has batted in at least seven innings or if a team is leading by more than fifteen runs after the opposing team has batted in at least five innings. Should this happen then all bets will be considered valid.

3.4.9. International Baseball games (e.g. Olympic matches) may be called off early and for bets to be valid, 6.5 innings must have been completed.

3.4.10. For live betting, during a game, with respect to actions which the Company in its sole and absolute discretion, deems as dangerous where the score, outcome, performance of one team or player may be affected; or warrant changing the odds/prices or Markets or Betting Information (“Danger Play”) the Company reserves the right to suspend acceptance of bets and may accept or reject bets after the Danger Play. All other actions in a game are deemed Safe Play and bets will continue to be considered for acceptance.

3.5. Ice Hockey

3.5.1. Full-Time markets may be offered as either "Regular Time Only" or "Including Overtime and Penalty Shootouts" or both. Clients should always refer to the market title. For matches that are decided by a penalty shoot-out then the winning team will have one goal added to their score to determine the final result

3.5.2. If a match does not start on the scheduled start date then all bets will be void (unless stated otherwise).

3.5.3. If a match starts but is suspended or abandoned within twelve hours of the scheduled start time then Full-Time bets are still considered valid if at fifty-five (55) minutes of the match has been completed. Bets will also be considered valid if an official result is declared by the relevant governing body. Otherwise bets on suspended or abandoned matches will be void, except for those on markets which have been unconditionally determined.

3.5.4. For Period betting, a period must be completed for bets to be considered valid.

3.5.5. Third period results do not include any overtime or shoot-outs that may be played.

3.5.6. Ice Hockey Live Betting is settled on the result at the end of normal time (three periods). Overtime and shoot-out results do not count.

3.5.7. The score will be updated for Ice Hockey live betting and markets shown during live trading refer to the score displayed at the time the bet is placed.

3.5.8. For live betting, during a game, with respect to actions which the Company in its sole and absolute discretion, deems as dangerous where the score, outcome, performance of one team or player may be affected; or warrant changing the odds/prices or Markets or Betting Information (“Danger Play”) the Company reserves the right to suspend acceptance of bets and may accept or reject bets after the Danger Play. All other actions in a game are deemed Safe Play and bets will continue to be considered for acceptance

3.6. Tennis

3.6.1. Moneyline markets refer to the winner of the match or specified set. Handicap markets are based either on sets or games (please refer to market title); Over/Under and Odd/Even markets based on games (unless otherwise stated).

3.6.2. If a player does not start a tournament or match then all bets on that player will be void.

3.6.3. If a player (or pairing) retires or is disqualified during a match then all bets will be void, except for those on markets which have been unconditionally determined.

3.6.4. If a match is postponed or suspended then all bets are still considered valid if the match is completed.

3.6.5. All bets will still be considered valid regardless of any change of venue or court surface (including moving matches from outdoor to indoor courts or vice versa).

3.6.6. If the scheduled number of sets required to win a match is changed from that originally scheduled then all bets will be void, except for those that have been unconditionally determined.

3.6.7. First Set Winner (Second, Third Set Winner etc) refers to the result of the specified set. All bets will be considered void if the specified set is not completed.

3.6.8. Tennis Live Betting is settled on the result of the match (or specified set). The score will not be updated for tennis live betting.

3.6.9. Most Aces (double Faults etc) markets are settled according to the official match statistics. If a player should retire or is disqualified before the match is completed then all bets will be void.

3.6.10. First Ace (Double Fault etc) markets are settled according to the official match statistics. If the first ace (double fault etc) market has been decided, then all bets will still be considered valid even if the match is not completed due to retirement or disqualification. If there is no ace (double fault etc) at the time of the retirement/disqualification then all bets will be considered void.

3.6.11. Game Winner markets refer to the winner of a specific game, e.g. Set 1 Game 1; Set 1 Game 2 etc. Should a set go to a tie-break then the market will be designated as Set 1 TB; Set 2 TB etc. Should there be a retirement/disqualification during an incomplete game then all bets will be considered void. If a game is completed by the umpire awarding a "penalty game" then all bets on that game will be considered void (though if the game is completed by a "penalty point" then all bets are still valid). If a game is suspended then all bets are still considered valid if the game is completed.

3.7. Badminton

3.7.1. Moneyline markets refer to the winner of the match or specified set. Handicap markets are based on either sets or points (please refer to market title); Over/Under and Odd/Even markets based on points (unless otherwise stated).

3.7.2. If a player does not start a tournament or match then all bets on that player will be void.

3.7.3. If a player (or pairing) retires or is disqualified during a match then all bets will be void, except for those on markets which have been unconditionally determined.

3.7.4. If a match is postponed or suspended then all bets are still considered valid if the match resumes before the twelve hour expiration.

3.7.5. First Set Winner (Second, Third Set Winner etc) refers to the result of the specified set. All bets will be considered void if the specified set is not completed.

3.7.6. Badminton Live Betting is settled on the result of the match (or specified set). The score will not be updated for badminton live betting.

3.8. Table Tennis

3.8.1. Moneyline markets refer to the winner of the match or specified set. Handicap markets are based on either sets or points (please refer to market title); Over/Under and Odd/Even markets based on points (unless otherwise stated).

3.8.2. If a player does not start a tournament or match then all bets on that player will be void.

3.8.3. If a player (or pairing) retires or is disqualified during a match then all bets will be void, except for those on markets which have been unconditionally determined.

3.8.4. If a match is postponed or suspended then all bets are still considered valid if the match resumes before the twelve hour expiration.

3.8.5. First Set Winner (Second, Third Set Winner etc) refers to the result of the specified set. All bets will be considered void if the specified set is not completed.

3.8.6. Table Tennis Live Betting is settled on the result of the match (or specified set). The score will not be updated for table tennis live betting.

3.9. Volleyball & Beach Volleyball

3.9.1. Moneyline markets refer to the winner of the match or specified set. Handicap markets are based on either sets or points (please refer to market title); Over/Under and Odd/Even markets based on points (unless otherwise stated).

3.9.2. If a team does not start a tournament or match then all bets on that team will be void.

3.9.3. If a team retires or is disqualified during a match then all bets will be void, except for those on markets which have been unconditionally determined.

3.9.4. If a match is postponed or suspended then all bets are still considered valid if the match resumes before the twelve hour expiration.

3.9.5. First Set Winner (Second, Third Set Winner etc) refers to the result of the specified set. All bets will be considered void if the specified set is not completed.

3.9.6. Volleyball Live Betting is settled on the result of the match (or specified set). The score will not be updated for volleyball live betting.

3.10. Field Hockey

3.10.1. All Full-Time markets, including Live betting, will be settled on the final result at the end of normal time. Extra-time, golden goal and penalty shoot-outs do not count for full-time markets. (Specific markets for extra-time (ET) and penalty shootouts (PEN) may be offered for betting.)

3.10.2. If a match is postponed, suspended or abandoned and not resumed within twelve hours of the scheduled start time then all bets are considered void, except for those on markets which have been unconditionally determined. Bets will also be considered valid if an official result is declared by the relevant governing body.

3.10.3. First Half markets refer to the result of the first half. All bets will be considered void if the specified half is not completed.

3.10.4. Field Hockey Live Betting is settled on the result of the match at the end of normal time.

3.10.5. The score will be updated for Field Hockey live betting and markets shown during live trading refer to the score displayed at the time the bet is placed

3.10.6. For live betting, during a game, with respect to actions which the Company in its sole and absolute discretion, deems as dangerous where the score, outcome, performance of one team or player may be affected; or warrant changing the odds/prices or Markets or Betting Information (“Danger Play”) the Company reserves the right to suspend acceptance of bets and may accept or reject bets after the Danger Play. All other actions in a game are deemed Safe Play and bets will continue to be considered for acceptance

3.11. Snooker & Pool

3.11.1. Moneyline and handicap markets refer to the winner of the match. Over/Under and Odd/Even markets are based on the number of frames/racks (unless otherwise stated).

3.11.2. If a player does not start a tournament or match then all bets on that player will be void.

3.11.3. If a match starts but is not completed then all bets are considered void, except for those on markets which have been unconditionally determined.

3.11.4. Snooker & Pool Live Betting is settled on the result of the match (or specified frame/rack). The score will not be updated for snooker and pool live betting.

3.11.5. For individual frame markets Over/Under and Odd/Even markets refer to the total number of points scored in that frame.

3.11.6. Which player will pot the first red? markets refer to the player potting the first legal red ball in a match or specified frame, i.e. potting a red while not committing a foul. (Should a frame be re-racked then all bets will still be valid on the original rack.)

3.11.7. Which player race to 30 points? markets refer to which player will be the first to score thirty points in a specified frame. (Should a frame be re-racked then all bets will still be valid on the original rack.)

3.11.8. Highest break markets refer to the number of points scored in a “break” by a player or players in a specified frame, match or tournament.

3.11.9. Total number of century markets refer to the number of “breaks” of 100 points or more scored in a specific match or tournament

3.12. Golf

3.12.1. All golf bets are settled according to the official tournament results.

3.12.2. If a player does not start a tournament or specific round then all bets on that player will be void. If a golfer retires or is disqualified during a tournament or specified round then all bets will be lost.

3.12.3. If a tournament or specified round is delayed or suspended then all bets will remain valid for forty-eight hours after the scheduled finish time.

3.12.4. Outright (Tournament Winner) "Any Other Player" or "The Field" refers to all golfers not named in the outright market. Outright markets are settled on the tournament winner and the result of any play-off is taken into account. If a tournament is shortened by the officials (i.e. the scheduled number of holes is not completed) then all bets are still valid if an official winner is declared. However, if there is no further play after a bet has been placed then that bet will be void. If no official winner is declared then all bets will be considered void.

3.12.5. Tournament matchups Tournament matchups refer to the golfer with the lowest score during a tournament (usually 72 holes). If the number of holes played is reduced from that scheduled then bets are still valid if an official tournament result is declared. Both golfers must tee off for bets to be valid. The golfer who completes the most holes (excluding play-offs) will be the winner. If the golfers complete the same number of holes (again excluding play-offs) then the player with the lowest score is the winner. If a golfer withdraws or is disqualified after teeing off then the other player is deemed the winner. However, if a player withdraws or is disqualified after the other player has already missed the cut, then the golfer playing the most holes is still declared the winner. If both golfers withdraw or are disqualified during the same round then all bets will be void, irrespective of how many holes each player has completed.

3.12.6. Round matchups Round match ups refer to the golfer with the lowest score over a specified 18 holes. Play-offs are not included. Both golfers must tee off for bets to be valid. If a golfer withdraws or is disqualified after teeing off then the other player is deemed the winner. However, if a disqualified player has already started the next round then the original scores are still valid.

3.12.7. Round Over/Under Round Over/Under markets refer to a golfer (or golfers) score over a specified 18 holes. Play-offs are not included. A golfer must tee off for bets to be valid. If a golfer fails to complete the specified 18 holes then all bets are considered void.

3.12.8. Individual Hole Over/Under Individual hole Over/Under markets refer to a golfer (or golfers) score over a specific individual hole of a specified round. If the hole is not completed by the golfer (or golfers) then all bets will be void.

3.13. Motor Sports

3.13.1. Motor Sports include, without limitation, Formula One, Moto GP and A1GP.

3.13.2. Podium positions will count as the official result, regardless of any subsequent disqualification or amendment to the race result. If there is no podium ceremony then the result is that declared by the relevant governing body immediately after the end of the race. Qualifying markets are based on the final qualifying positions declared by the governing body immediately after the end of qualifying.

3.13.3. If the scheduled venue is changed then all bets will be considered void.

3.13.4. If a race is postponed then all bets are still considered valid if the race is started before the forty-eight hour expiration, otherwise all bets will be considered void. If a race starts but is not completed then all bets will remain valid if an official result is declared. If no official result is declared then all bets will be void.

3.13.5. A motor race is deemed to have started when the signal is given to start the warm-up lap. If a competitor is not ready to start from the grid (or pit lane) then bets on that racer will be void. If a competitor fails to start the official qualifying session then pole position bets on that racer will be considered void.

3.13.6. In Head to Head markets both racers must start the race (or official qualifying session) for bets to be valid. The racer with the better finishing position will be declared the winner. If both racers fail to finish then the competitor completing the most laps is deemed the winner. If the same number of laps is recorded for both racers then all bets will be void, unless official finishing positions are declared.

3.13.7. Fastest Lap markets are decided on the racer or team with the fastest lap time during the race.

3.13.8. Number of Classified Finishers markets are decided on the official result declared by the governing body.

3.13.9. Motor Sports Live Betting is settled on the result of the official result of the specified race.

3.13.10. Odd/Even markets are based on the final finishing positions as declared by the governing body. For example if Driver A finishes in 1st Position then the result is odd; if Driver B finishes in 2nd Position then the result is even, etc. If a driver is not given an official classification then bets will be considered void and will be refunded.

3.13.11. Winning Margin markets are based on the time difference (in seconds) between the selected drivers as declared by the governing body. Over means that the time difference will be greater than the handicap, while Under means that the time difference will be less than the handicap offered. Should the time difference be exactly the same as the handicap then bets will be considered void and will be refunded.

3.14. Handball

3.14.1. All Full-Time markets, including Live betting, will be settled on the final result at the end of normal time. Extra-time and penalty shoot-outs do not count for full-time markets.

3.14.2. If a match is postponed, suspended or abandoned and not resumed within twelve hours of the scheduled start time then all bets are considered void, except for those on markets which have been unconditionally determined. Bets will also be considered valid if an official result is declared by the relevant governing body.

3.14.3. Handball Live Betting is settled on the result of the match at the end of normal time.

3.14.4. The score will not be updated for handball live betting.

3.15. Water Polo

3.15.1. All Full-Time markets, including Live betting, will be settled on the final result at the end of normal time (four quarters). Extra-time and shoot-outs do not count for full-time markets.

3.15.2. If a match is postponed, suspended or abandoned and not resumed within twelve hours of the scheduled start time then all bets are considered void, except for those on markets which have been unconditionally determined. Bets will also be considered valid if an official result is declared by the relevant governing body.

3.15.3. First Half markets refer to the result of the first and second quarters. All bets will be considered void if the specified half is not completed.

3.15.4. Water Polo Live Betting is settled on the result of the match at the end of normal time.

3.15.5. The score will not be updated for water-polo live betting.

3.16. Boxing

3.16.1. Bets on postponed fights will still be considered valid if the fight takes place within fourteen days of the original start date.

3.16.2. For moneyline markets (where no draw option is offered for betting) all bets will be void if the fight result is a draw. If odds for a draw are offered as a third betting option, and the fight ends in a draw, then betting on the draw option will be paid as the winner and bets on the two boxers will be lost.

3.16.3. A fight is deemed to have started when the bell is sounded for the beginning of the first round. If one, or both, boxers should fail to start the fight then all bets will be void. If a boxer fails to answer the bell for the start of a round, or is disqualified between rounds, the opponent is deemed to have won in the previous round.

3.16.4. All bets will be settled on the official decision given in the ring immediately after the fight. Subsequent changes to the result are not recognized for betting purposes.

3.16.5. A knock-out (KO) win also includes a technical knock-out (TKO) or win by disqualification (DSQ). A points decision includes a technical decision (TD) and a draw includes a technical draw.

3.16.6. Over/Under betting refers to the number of rounds that take place during the fight, e.g. Under 9.5 means that the fight ends before one minute and thirty seconds of Round 9; while Over 9.5 means that the fight ends after one minute and thirty seconds of Round 9 (including a points decision).

3.16.7. UFC UFC rules also apply to fights promoted by other mixed martial arts (MMA) organizations. Bets on postponed fights will still be considered valid if the fight takes place within fourteen days of the original start date. If a fight ends in a draw then all bets will be void.

3.17. Darts

3.17.1. Moneyline and markets refer to the winner of the match. Handicap and Over/Under markets are based on the number of sets (unless otherwise stated).

3.17.2. If a match is postponed and not started within twelve hours of the scheduled start time then all bets are considered void.

3.17.3. If a player does not start a tournament or match then all bets on that player will be void.

3.17.4. If a match starts but is not completed then all bets will be considered void.

3.17.5. Darts Live Betting is settled on the result of the match. The score will not be updated for darts live betting.

3.17.6. “180s” markets refer to the number of maximum “180s” thrown in a match.

3.18. Cricket

3.18.1. For Limited Over (including ODI and Twenty20) matches all bets will settle on the official result according to the competition rules. However, if the result is determined by a super-overs, bowl out, toss of coin etc then all match bets will be considered void.

3.18.2. If "No Result" is the official result or the competition rules do not declare a winner then all bets will be void.

3.18.3. If a match is postponed or suspended then all bets are considered valid if the match is resumed within the 48 hour expiration.

3.18.4. Test Match markets will be offered in a 1X2 format. 1 refers to the team that is named first (usually the home team); X refers to the game resulting in a draw; 2 refers to the team that is named second (usually the away team). Should a Test Match end in a "Tie" (as distinct from a "Draw" then all match bets will be considered void. If a match is abandoned due to outside interference then all bets may be declared void.

3.18.5. Most Runs markets refer to the player scoring the most number of runs during a match or specific innings. Both players must be at the batting crease for at least one ball for bets to be valid. If “No Result” is the official match result then all bets on this market will be void, except for markets that have been unconditionally determined.

3.18.6. Most Wickets markets refer to the player taking the most number of wickets during a match or specific innings. Both players must bowl at least one ball for bets to be valid. If “No Result” is the official match result then all bets on this market will be void, except for markets that have been unconditionally determined.

3.18.7. Most Sixes markets refer to the team scoring the most number of sixes during a match or specific innings. Bets will be valid if an official result is declared. If "No Result" is the official result then all bets on this market will be void. If “No Result” is the official match result then all bets on this market will be void, except for markets that have been unconditionally determined

3.18.8. Next Man Out markets refer to which player is dismissed first in a match or specific innings. If one player retires then bets will be considered void. If neither player is dismissed then all bets will be considered void. All bets on decided markets will be considered valid, even if “No Result” is the official match result

3.18.9. Total Runs markets refer to the total number of runs scored by a player or team during a match or specific innings. A player must be at the batting crease for at least one ball for bets to be valid. If "No Result" is the official match result, then all bets on this market will be void, except for markets that have been unconditionally determined

3.19. Rugby Union

3.19.1. All Full-Time markets, including Live betting, will be settled on the final result at the end of normal time (80 minutes). Extra-time does not count for full-time markets. Rugby Sevens markets will be settled at the end of normal time (usually 14 or 20 minutes). Extra-time does not count for full-time Rugby Sevens markets.

3.19.2. If a match is postponed, suspended or abandoned and not resumed within twelve hours of the scheduled start time then all bets are considered void, except for those on markets which have been unconditionally determined. Bets will also be considered valid if an official result is declared by the relevant governing body.

3.19.3. First Half markets refer to the result of the first half only. All bets will be considered void if the specified half is not completed.

3.19.4. Rugby Union Live Betting is settled on the result of the match at the end of normal time.

3.19.5. The score will be updated for Rugby Union live betting and markets shown during live trading refer to the score displayed at the time the bet is placed.

3.19.6. For live betting, during a game, with respect to actions which the Company in its sole and absolute discretion, deems as dangerous where the score, outcome, performance of one team or player may be affected; or warrant changing the odds/prices or Markets or Betting Information (“Danger Play”) the Company reserves the right to suspend acceptance of bets and may accept or reject bets after the Danger Play. All other actions in a game are deemed Safe Play and bets will continue to be considered for acceptance.

3.20. Rugby League

3.20.1. All Full-Time markets, including Live betting, will be settled on the final result at the end of the match, including any extra-time that may be played.

3.20.2. If a match is postponed, suspended or abandoned and not resumed within twelve hours of the scheduled start time then all bets are considered void, except for those on markets which have been unconditionally determined. Bets will also be considered valid if an official result is declared by the relevant governing body.

3.20.3. First Half markets refer to the result of the first half only. All bets will be considered void if the specified half is not completed.

3.20.4. Rugby League Live Betting is settled on the result of the match, including any extra-time that may be played.

3.20.5. The score will be updated for Rugby League live betting and markets shown during live trading refer to the score displayed at the time the bet is placed.

3.20.6. For live betting, during a game, with respect to actions which the Company in its sole and absolute discretion, deems as dangerous where the score, outcome, performance of one team or player may be affected; or warrant changing the odds/prices or Markets or Betting Information (“Danger Play”) the Company reserves the right to suspend acceptance of bets and may accept or reject bets after the Danger Play. All other actions in a game are deemed Safe Play and bets will continue to be considered for acceptance.

3.21. Athletics

3.21.1. Outright (to win Gold Medal) markets refer to the winner of each athletics event.

3.21.2. Moneyline markets refer to the competitor with the best placing in an event (or specified heat). If only one athlete reaches the final of an event then bets on that competitor are winning bets. If both athletes fail to reach the final then the competitor with the better classification during qualifying is declared the winner.

3.21.3. Podium Positions will be the official result for which all bets are settled. Any subsequent disqualifications or amendments to the result will not be considered for betting purposes.

3.21.4. If an event is postponed, suspended or abandoned and not resumed within twelve hours of the scheduled start time then all bets are considered void.

3.21.5. If an athlete fails to start an event then all bets will be void. An athlete is deemed to have started an event if they have taken part to the extent necessary to record an official result or classification (including DSQ (disqualified) but excluding DNS (did not start)).

3.22. Swimming

3.22.1. Outright (to win Gold Medal) markets refer to the winner of each swimming event.

3.22.2. Moneyline markets refer to the competitor with the best placing in an event (or specified heat). If only one swimmer reaches the final of an event then bets on that competitor are winning bets. If both swimmers fail to reach the final then the competitor with the better classification during qualifying is declared the winner.

3.22.3. Podium Positions will be the official result for which all bets are settled. Any subsequent disqualifications or amendments to the result will not be considered for betting purposes.

3.22.4. If an event is postponed, suspended or abandoned and not resumed within twelve hours of the scheduled start time then all bets are considered void.

3.22.5. If a swimmer fails to start an event then all bets will be void.

3.23. Beach Soccer

3.23.1. All bets will be settled after the result of the full three periods of play (twelve minutes each) unless otherwise stated in writing by the Company.

3.23.2. If a game begins before the scheduled time, any non-live bets placed after the early start but before the scheduled start will be considered VOID. Live bets placed during live betting are considered valid and live betting is deemed to have commenced when the event has started, even if earlier than the scheduled time.

3.23.3. Extra time and penalty shoot-outs do not count for betting and settlement purposes, unless otherwise stated.

3.23.4. If a match is suspended, abandoned or terminated, then the entire match will be considered void. Matches will be declared void irrespective of any official decision to honor the result. The settlement of all bets on voided matches is at the sole discretion of the Company.

3.23.5. The Company provides venue information (e.g. neutral ground) as helpful information only and accepts no liability whatsoever if the stated neutral venues are correct or not. It is the customer's responsibility to be aware of the correct venue for any match.

3.23.6. For live betting, during a game, with respect to actions which the Company in its sole and absolute discretion, deems as dangerous where the score, outcome, performance of one team or player may be affected; or warrant changing the odds/prices or Markets or Betting Information ("Danger Play" the Company reserves the right to suspend acceptance of bets and may accept or reject bets after the Danger Play. All other actions in a game are deemed Safe Play and bets will continue to be considered for acceptance.

3.23.7. For live betting, all pending bets will be automatically rejected as of the moment the referee ends the match at the end of each period and/or full time.

3.23.8. Beach Soccer Bet Types The Company offers the following Bet Types: Non Live Betting Asian Handicap - means betting on which team will make the most number of goals based on the final score inclusive of any handicaps. Odd/Even- means betting that is determined by whether the total number of goals at the end of the full three periods of play (twelve minutes each) is Odd or Even. Over/Under- means betting on the total number of goals that will be scored in the normal full three periods of play (twelve minutes each) excluding extra time. In Running ("Live") Betting Asian Handicap- means betting on which team will make the most number of goals based on the final score inclusive of any handicaps. Over/Under- means betting on the total number of goals that will be scored in the normal full three periods of play (twelve minutes each) excluding extra time. For a more comprehensive list of Bet types, please refer to Sec. 2.2 set forth above.

3.24. Squash

3.24.1. Moneyline markets refer to the winner of the match or specified game. Handicap markets are based on either games or points (please refer to market title); Over/Under and Odd/Even markets based on points (unless otherwise stated).

3.24.2. If a player does not start a tournament or match then all bets on that player will be void.

3.24.3. If a player (or pairing) retires or is disqualified during a match then all bets will be void, except for those on markets which have been unconditionally determined.

3.24.4. If a match is postponed or suspended then all bets are still considered valid if the match resumes before the twelve hour expiration.

3.24.5. First Game Winner (Second, Third Game Winner etc) refers to the result of the specified game. All bets will be considered void if the specified game is not completed.

3.24.6. Squash Live Betting is settled on the result of the match (or specified game). The score will not be updated for squash live betting.

3.25 4D Specials

3.25.1. All betting for BIG/SMALL and ODD/EVEN is on the first digit of each prize. If prize number is 9368, 9 will be the number that determine WIN/LOSE." 5,6,7,8,9 are considered BIG and 0,1,2,3,4 are considered SMALL. 1,3,5,7,9 are considered ODD and 0,2,4,6,8 are considered EVEN.

3.25.2. 18.5 OVER/UNDER is total up four digit number on first, second and third prize. For example: prize number 9368 = 9 + 3 + 6 + 8 = 26 mean OVER.

3.25.3. 13.5 OVER/UNDER is total up by first three digit on first, second and third prize. For example: prize number 9368 = 9 + 3 + 6 = 18 mean OVER.

3.25.4. For 1+3D draws, if TWO FIRST PRIZE emerge (caused by two horses crossed the finishing line at the same time coincidentally), all bets will considered VOID and CANCELLED.

3.25.5. (BIGGER) Comparison game in first digit of 1st, 2nd, & 3rd prizes. 0 is the smallest number and 9 is the biggest number. Example: 1st prize numbers is 9368, 2nd prize number is 5777, therefore 1st prize (9) number bigger than 2nd prize (5) number. Those who bet on 1st prize bigger will win. If the numbers for 1st and 2nd prize are same then will be DRAW.

3.25.6. (SPECIAL 10) Betting Rules: Result is base on the first digit of 10 SPECIAL numbers (BIG/SMALL) or (ODD/EVEN) at the special prize. For Example: Special Prize Result: 9368 8368 7368 6368 5368 8338 6336 7337 4444 2368 BIG = 8 SMALL = 2 BIG = WIN ODD = 4 EVEN = 6 EVEN = WIN If draw result is (5 BIG & 5 SMALL) or (5 ODD & 5 EVEN), this will consider DRAW.

3.25.7. (TOTAL 23) Betting Rules: Result is base on the first digit number of total 23 numbers (BIG/SMALL) or (ODD/EVEN). For example: 1ST 6181 2ND 8142 3RD 6417 SPECIAL: 7321 8396 1234 8316 0816 1616 6944 5516 2345 8228 CONSOLATION: 3888 2201 3113 3898 1001 8855 5232 6804 8911 1288 BIG = 13 SMALL = 10, BIG = WIN ODD = 10 EVEN = 13, EVEN = WIN

3.25.8. 1D & 2D 1D (0-9) betting is on the first digit of each prize. If first prize number is 9368, number 9 will be the winning number. 2D (00-99) betting is on the first two digit of each prize. If first prize number is 9368, number 93 will be the winning number. The payout for 1D and 2D must include bet amount means that when you bet 100 at the odds of 9. The total payout is only 800.

3.26. 3D

3.26.1. Total 3D OU 13.5 is base on 3 digit total up amount. If prize number is 368, 3+6+8=17, means that player who bet OVER win.

3.26.2. Rules on ODD/EVEN, OVER/UNDER of every single digit of 1st, 2nd or 3rd 3D prize number. For example, the prize number is 368 1st digit = ODD WIN, UNDER 4.5 WIN 2nd digit = EVEN WIN, OVER 4.5 WIN 3rd digit = EVEN WIN, OVER 4.5 WIN

3.27. Winter Olympic Games Rules & Regulations

3.27.1. General All markets will be settled on the official result declared by the IOC. The original medal ceremony will be the official result for which all bets are settled. Any subsequent disqualifications or amendments to the result will not be considered for betting purposes. All bets will be considered valid if the match or event is completed within the official period of the Olympic Games, irrespective of the actual start time. Should a match or event not be completed, and no official result is given, then all bets will be considered void and will be refunded. Any bets that are accepted in error after an event has actually started (except for live betting) will be considered void and will be refunded. If a team or competitor does not start an event then all bets placed on that selection (including outright (to win Gold Medal) markets) will be considered void and will be refunded. If a named team or competitor in a Money Line (head to head) market does not start an event then all bets on that market will be considered void and will be refunded. Should a Dead Heat occur in outright (to win Gold Medal) markets then, half the stake is applied to the selection at the full odds, while the other half of the stake is lost. Should a Dead Heat occur in Money Line (head to head) markets then the result will be a tie and bets on both competitors will be refunded.

3.27.2. Olympic Medals Markets will be offered on the number of medals won by individuals or countries at the Olympic Games. These markets will refer to either Gold Medals only, or to Total Medals (Gold, Silver and Bronze medals combined). All markets will be settled by the official medal tables released by the IOC immediately after the end of the Olympic Games. Any subsequent changes to the medal table will not be considered for betting purposes.

3.27.3. Moneyline (Head to Head) Which competitor or team will win a match or be placed higher in an event? The final placing is decided by the competitor who progresses furthest in the event. If both competitors are eliminated at the same stage then the competitor with the higher official ranking is declared the winner. Should both competitors be eliminated at the same stage but neither competitor is given an official ranking then bets will be considered void.

3.27.4. Ice Hockey Olympic Ice Hockey will follow the normal Ice Hockey rules (3.5.) above. Except for rule 3.5.3 which will be replaced by the following - All bets will be considered valid if the match is completed within the official period of the Olympic Games, irrespective of the actual start time. Bets will also be considered valid if an official result is declared by the IOC. Should a match not be completed, and no official result is given, then all bets will be considered void and will be refunded. Additional markets may be offered (e.g Overtime included or Shootout Winner) and the terms of these markets will be clearly stated in the title.

3.28. Financial Bets

3.28.1. Financial Bets basically offer wagers to predict the exact last digit of the closing indices in the Asia markets. This would include Odd/Even/Higher or Lower wagers, without the decimal places. The final results and settlement are governed by the respective stock markets official websites. The final result will be declared for the last digit of the closing index in whole number, decimals will not count in any way.

3.28.2. The event shall close earlier or at least one hour before the official market closing time.

3.28.3. In the event of a market closing early for that day, irrespective of the circumstances, all bets placed 1 hour before an unscheduled market closing time will be deemed void.

3.28.4. In the event when the market is not open, all bets placed on that market for the day will be considered void.

3.28.5. In any event which disrupts the market, including the suspension of or limitation of trading by reason of movements in price exceeding limits permitted by the relevant exchange or any other event causing market disruption, we may in its absolute discretion with or without notice to you close any or all open bets, refuse any bets, cancel any orders and fill any orders in each case at such level as it may consider in good faith to be appropriate in all the circumstances.

3.28.6. The definition of Odd and Even is as follow: 1. Any number ending with 1,3,5,7,9 is ODD. 2. Any number ending with 0,2,4,6,8 is EVEN.

3.29. E-Sports


3.29.2. If a match is suspended or postponed, and not resumed within 48 hours from the actual scheduled start time, all bets on the match will be considered void.

3.29.3. If a match is not completed (for example: player retirement, disqualification or game server problem) all bets on the outcome will be considered void, unless stated in the individual bet type rules below.

3.29.4. If a match begins before the official confirmed time, all the bets made after the game has started will be considered void, except for In-Play bets.

3.29.5. If a match ends with a walkover decision, all bets will be considered void.

3.29.6. If a player/ team is given a walkover on at least one map before the match starts, all wagers on the match will be considered void unless the advantage was clearly stated in the respective betting market.

3.29.7. The number of maps / rounds played is different from what is stated in the respective betting market, all bets will be considered void.

3.29.8. If a team uses a known alias to compete, all bets will stand.

3.29.9. All bets will be settled using the official result as declared by the relevant governing body of the competition concerned.

3.29.10. Money Line Predict who will win the match. Any form of extra time or overtime will count for settlement purposes. If a match is not completed because of a player retirement or disqualification, all bets on the outcome will be considered valid. In E-Sport a tie can be declared and in this case money line bets will be refunded.

3.29.11. Handicap Predict who with win the match with the indicated handicap applied. Any form of extra time or overtime will count for settlement purposes. The handicap in an E-Sports match can be Rounds / Maps or other counting measures dependent on the game. The handicap type will only be referred to as the handicap. (For example, in Counter Strike the handicap will be rounds won, while in DotA2 the handicap would be maps). Handicap betting In E-Sport matches is done by awarding one of the teams / players, the underdog, a head start on maps / rounds. For example: Player A -1.5 1.85 Player B +1.5 2.00 If Player A wins the match by two maps or more, Player A is the winning selection and Player B is the losing selection. If Player A wins by exactly one map or Player B wins, Player B is the winning selection and Player A is the losing selection

3.29.12. Over / Under Predict whether the total number of maps / rounds in the match will be over or under the indicated line. Any form of extra time or overtime will count for settlement purposes.

3.29.13. In-Play Settlement is based on the final score line after the handicap is applied to a 0-0 score line. The current score, at the time of bet placement, is not factored into the bet. If a match is replayed, all live wagers on the respective match will be voided.

3.29.14. Proposition / Special First Blood bet type are determined by which team kills first. Only kills by opposition team / player will count in this bet type. First Tower/Turret markets refer to the team which takes the tower/turret first. Bets are valid even if it is destroyed by a creep or was denied. First Ten (10) Kill markets refer to the team which is first to record ten kills. First Roshan/Baron markets refer to the team which kills the most powerful neutral creep first.

3.30. Olympic Games

3.30.1. General All markets will be settled on the official result declared by the IOC. The original medal ceremony will be the official result for which all bets are settled. Any subsequent disqualifications or amendments to the result will not be considered for betting purposes. All bets will be considered valid if the match or event is completed within the official period of the Olympic Games, irrespective of the actual start time (except Soccer). Should a match or event not be completed, and no official result is given, then all bets will be considered void and will be refunded. Any bets that are accepted in error after an event has actually started (except for live betting) will be considered void and will be refunded. If a team or competitor does not start an event then all bets placed on that selection (including outright (to win Gold Medal) markets) will be considered void and will be refunded. If a named team or competitor in a Money Line (head to head) market does not start an event then all bets on that market will be considered void and will be refunded. Should a Dead Heat occur in outright (to win Gold Medal) markets then, half the stake is applied to the selection at the full odds, while the other half of the stake is lost. Should a Dead Heat occur in Money Line (head to head) markets then the result will be a tie and bets on both competitors will be refunded.

3.30.2. Olympic Medals Markets will be offered on the number of medals won by individuals or countries at the 2012 Olympic Games. These markets will refer to either Gold Medals only, or to Total Medals (Gold, Silver and Bronze medals combined). All markets will be settled by the official medal tables released by the IOC immediately after the end of the Olympic Games. Any subsequent changes to the medal table will not be considered for betting purposes.

3.30.3. Moneyline (Head to Head) Which competitor or team will win a match or be placed higher in an event? The final placing is decided by the competitor who progresses furthest in the event. If both competitors are eliminated at the same stage then the competitor with the higher official ranking is declared the winner. Should both competitors be eliminated at the same stage but neither competitor is given an official ranking then bets will be considered void.

3.31. Politics

3.31.1. US Presidential Election Which Political Party will win the 2012 US Presidential Election? Candidate names are given for reference only. Should neither the Republicans nor Democrats win the election, then all bets will be void and will be refunded.

3.32. Sailing

3.32.1. America's Cup (including Louis Vuitton Cup) All markets will be settled on the official result declared by the official website after each race. Any subsequent disqualifications or amendments to the results will not be considered for betting purposes. If a race is postponed or abandoned then all bets are considered valid if the race is resumed within the 48 hour expiration.

3.33. Cycling

3.33.1. All markets will be settled on the official result declared by the official website after each race. Any subsequent disqualifications or amendments to the results will not be considered for betting purposes.

3.33.2. If a race is postponed or abandoned then all bets are considered valid if the race is resumed within the 24 hour expiration.

3.33.3. In Head to Head markets both racers must start the race for bets to be valid. The racer with the better finishing position will be declared the winner. If both racers fail to finish then bets will be declared void and will be refunded.

3.34. Sepak Takraw

3.34.1. Moneyline markets refer to the winner of the match or specified set. Handicap markets are based on either sets or points (please refer to market title); Over/Under and Odd/Even markets based on points (unless otherwise stated).

3.34.2. If a team retires or is disqualified during a match then all bets will be void, except for those on markets which have been unconditionally determined.

3.34.3. If a match is postponed or suspended then all bets are still considered valid if the match resumes before the twelve hour expiration.

3.34.4. First Set Winner (Second, Third Set Winner etc) refers to the result of the specified set. All bets will be considered void if the specified set is not completed.

3.34.5. The score will not be updated for Sepak Takraw live betting.



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